One Shot:2 AshxProfJuniper

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Ash is at the Nuvema Pokemon lab and that is where our story begins.

Age: Ash is 19, Juniper is 25
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Ash sighed as he opened the door to the food room of the Nuvema Pokémon Laboratory. He had been at the lab for about a month and a half now due to his apprenticeship with Professor Juniper. After the Sinnoh League Ash came to the same conclusion that Gary had and decided to turn his attention to research rather than battling. Now you may be asking, why did he go to Unova instead of doing an internship at Pallet Town? Surely Oak would have let him? Well, Ash decided that if he really wanted to be a successful researcher then he would need to get outside of his comfort zone. So, during the application process, the young man got Oak to write him a letter of recommendation. Ash was overjoyed when he was accepted and was given a post in the Unova region, somewhere he had never been before. Ash took this as a challenge and began researching as much as he could about the region's Pokémon. When he finally got the Nuvema the young man met Professor Juniper for the first time, and boy was his mind blown. The young lady was always full of energy and tried to show Ash how much fun research could be. Unfortunately, the Pallet Town native was struggling to see the point of her teachings. To become a professor Ash had to do research on a topic that had not been published yet. As it turns out, the young man was having a hard time finding one. Juniper was not really helping as she was just trying to get him to relax and take a break.

"I hope I find a research topic soon" Ash said to himself as he grabbed the cart filled with food. "Otherwise I might just have to go back to battling".

The boy wheeled the cart out to side of the lab where Juniper was waiting with the trio of Unova starters. The three Pokémon had been born about three months ago and were ready to be given out to trainers. It was Ash's job to make sure they were fit and ready for such a task.

"Ash I'm glad you're here" exclaimed Juniper as she began taking the bowls of food off the cart. "I want you to test the three of them with a live battle to make sure they are strong enough to be sent out".

Ash raised an eyebrow at the woman. "Why, is a trainer coming tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes, we have a young man coming to pick up his first Pokémon." the professor responded. She then thanked Ash and left him to test the trio of starters.

"Alright Pikachu." he called, getting the electric type's attention. "Let's head to the field and check these guys out". Ash's starter nodded and followed his trainer out into one of the laboratory's open field. "All right you three, come on out." Ash called, releasing the three pokeballs into the air. The Unova starters emerged from their confinement and tackled Ash to the ground. They were extremely excited to see him. "I know, I miss you too, but we have some work to do ok." he placated them. The Pokémon stared at Ash as he explained how they were going to be practicing.

The young man first tested the Tepig. Going through all of the young Pokémon's moves, Ash determined that the fire type was ready to be given to a trainer. However the Tepig seemed to use a ground type move on Pikachu. "What was that?" asked Ash, taking out his pokedex to scan the young Pokémon. The former trainer saw that this Tepig knew magnitude. "That's impossible" he thought, "there's no way that this species should know that move". "Tepig use Magnitude." he ordered, not believing in what the pokedex told him. Sure enough, the fire type used the move again. "Good job Tepig, return", Tepig was returned to his pokeball. Ash filed what he learned into his mind for later and work with Snivy. Calling out the grass type, the former trainer had it go through a series of moves. However, when he ordered Snivy to use wrap, the grass type used iron tail instead. "Again really?" Ash asked himself as he checked the pokedex for the second time. Once again, Snivy did indeed know the steel type move. Returning the snake Pokémon to its pokeball, Ash released the Oshawott. Before even ordering the Pokémon to perform any moves, the young man checked his pokedex for the third time and found that the water type knew air slash. Ash nearly fainted when he saw this but tested the move anyway. Oshawott did not fail and performed the move beautifully.

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