One Shot:1 AshxCynthia

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The Sinnoh Champion Cynthia was packing her bags getting ready for a long deserved vacation. She had been getting so many challengers in recent months which had been exhausting for her. At one point during her last battle she felt faint. Luckily she was able to get through the match winning thanks to a gutsy performance by Garchomp. That had been the thing that had made her decide to drop everything and go on vacation to get some much needed rest.

"Thanks for helping me pack." Cynthia said.

"It's no problem Cynthia."

Cynthia smiled and continued to pack her bags with the help of the her closest friend Ash Ketchum. She loved spending time with him, around Ash she could be Cynthia not the Sinnoh Champion or any of the other accolades attached to her, just Cynthia. That was one of the many reasons that she had fallen for him.

She still remembered the first time he had visited her. It had been just after he had crushed Diantha a month ago. He had come to her to catch up on lost time. After spending a few hours talking Ash had left saying that he had enjoyed the reunion. He then promised to visit her more often so they could chat. She had smiled liking the sound if that and then bid him farewell. She never expected his visits to be on an almost daily basis but she couldn't imagine going a day without seeing him.

Beating Diantha at the age of eighteen meant that he had broken Cynthia's record of youngest ever champion. The match had been a complete shock to every one watching. Ash had been the underdog as he had been off the battle circuit for just over two years so they thought that he would be overwhelmed by Diantha. But boy had they been wrong. Ash had come in and destroyed Diantha's team while only losing three of his own.

When Reporters had asked what had changed him from the boy that lost in Unova to the man that crushed Diantha. Ash had merely said that he had gotten stronger so that he could prevent anyone else he cares about sharing the fate of his mother. That had raised more questions wondering what he meant by that. The official story had said that Delia had been trapped in her house when an electrical overload caused the house to catch fire.

Cynthia had found out what he meant about a week after he had first come and seen her. The electrical overload had actually been caused by Team Rocket in an attempt to kill Ash. Luckily for him he had been at Professor Oak's lab. After burying his mother he left Pallet Town taking all of his Pokémon with him and went into training. Once he had gotten strong enough he took down Team Rocket.

"How much stuff do you need? You're only going away for a week." Ash asked as he carried three more bags downstairs.

A smile came to Cynthia's face and she felt a shiver run down her spine as her heart started to beat faster. It didn't matter how many times she heard it, his deep baritone voice always had that effect on her. She quickly recovered and smiled.

"Well I need to be ready for any given situation. I mean if it's wet I need coats and I obviously need clothes for the warmer weather."

"You mean things like this?" Ash asked as he dangled her bikini from his hand.

Cynthia turned bright red and snatched the bikini from Ash stuffing it into the bag she was packing.

"Where did you find that?" Cynthia asked.

"On the floor by your wardrobe. It's a good thing I found it otherwise you would have had to go to the beach naked."

"Well thanks for picking it up. I must have dropped it when I got my dress."

"What do you need a dress for?"

"You never know I could meet a guy and want to go out for a drink with him." Cynthia replied.

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