One Shot:6 AshxFlannery

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Ash and his friends were currently relaxing in the Lavaridge hot springs. They had recently arrived to the resort town and helped the new gym leader Flannery get accustomed to the workings her new job entailed. As payment for their services she offered to show them around the town and hot springs. Ash was also in the process of planning for his battle with Flannery tomorrow. His thoughts were then interrupted by Brock, who called out to him.

"What is it Brock?" He asked, a bit upset that his thoughts were interrupted by the Pewter City native.

"Are you ok? You spaced out there for a bit" spoke his concerned friend.

"I'm fine, just going over my strategies for the gym battle tomorrow." Ash answered, assuring his friend.

"Glad you're fine but Max and I were wondering if you wanted to head to the bakery and try those famous Lava Cookies." asked Brock.

"Sure, I'm down" the trainer responded and climbed out of the pool to get changed.

The trio of boys met up with May and Flannery before heading off towards the bakery to try the cookies. Along the way Flannery opened up to the group about her life before becoming the gym leader. She mentioned that her parents had perished in a tragic car accident when she was young leaving only her grandfather to watch over her. This was a shock to the four travelers as they began to give their condolences to the girl. Flannery led them inside the bakery much to their delight.

"Wow look at all the cakes." an excited May practically screamed out. The rookie coordinator was practically salivating at the sight of the sweets inside the store. The walls were lined with all sorts of cakes and cookies while the main counter had an ice cream parlor for those wishing to partake in a cooler snack.

"Calm down May, you don't want to get sick" scolded Max, who was taking a look at the cookies.

"Flannery are these guests of yours" asked the cashier.

"Yeah, Ash here will be a challenger at the gym tomorrow so I'm showing him and his friends all around town." the redhead explained rubbing the back of her head.

"Allow me to welcome you all to the Sweet Shop. Just let me know when you decide what to order." spoke the cashier waiting for an answer.

May being the food obsessed person that she is, ordered a small slice of almost every cake in the store to sample. Meanwhile, Max and Brock had simply settled for some Lava Cookies. Ash was having a hard time trying to decide on what to order when the cashier interrupted his thoughts.

"You know, you can always try our popular charcoal lava cake" she suggested, pulling it out from a hidden shelf.

"Is that the one I made?" asked Flannery looking towards the chocolate cake.

"It is indeed." the cashier responded, placing it down on the counter.

"Alright give me a slice of that and some lava cookies." decided Ash, forking over some money for the food.

The five of them exited the bakery and headed towards a picnic bench where they could try their newly purchased food. They all dug into the sweets with Ash taking his time to remove the piece of cake from its box. By the time this had happened May had already began stuffing herself and Brock and Max ate several cookies.

With a deep breath he took a bite of the lava cake. Immediately his eyes lit up in surprise, "This is one of the best desserts I've ever eaten." thought Ash, turning to look at Flannery. "Flannery you really made this?" he asked.

"Of course. It is a family recipe that goes back about 70 years." the gym leader answered.

"It's amazing." Ash let out, taking another bite.

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