Part 4

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As the sun fell over the horizon and the children went to bed, everyone in the castle went to rest... all except for the prince. He still felt lonesome in this place, despite being welcomed. Tossing and turning in his bed for a few minutes, he got up and walked out of his bedroom.

Quietly, he snuck down the corridors, searching for the door that lead outside. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. They were quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. Holding his breath, the prince backed away from the person's view. After they moved past, he looked around the corner. Princess Giosa was there!

'What is she doing here?' He thought to himself, as he watched them open the door. She went outside to wear the garden was.

'Maybe she needs fresh air too?' The prince wondered. Slowly, he followed them out, carefully tiptoeing behind them. The garden seemed large, especially with a little meadow that showed a view to the trees. As Giosa walked into the meadow, fireflies flew from the grass. They glowed as they flew, causing a beautiful scene. Almost mesmerized, the prince walked to the meadow, looking around before seeing Giosa again. He pauses for a moment before he sits down, not too close, yet not too far. Then, there was a moment of silence.

"It's a beautiful night." Giosa said quietly, surprising the prince a little bit. He clears his throat in a quiet manner before returning an answer.

"Yes, it is." He replies, looking at the stars. "... is this a spot you like to come to?"

"Mhm." Giosa says, still staring off into the distance "My siblings and I would often come out here during the warm seasons to calm ourselves when we had a nightmare. Often times, my brother would make up stories about the fireflies, telling us that they held magic to grant wishes and when they traveled to other people, they would whisper them to help make that wish come true."

She pauses while watching a firefly 'float' past them.

"For many nights I whispered." She continues. "But they never left.... Why are are you here, prince Kiaskin?"

"I..." his voice wavered before he continues, "I couldn't sleep. It's a little lonely in a room, all by yourself."

"I see." Giosa replied. "...Should there be a need, you can whisper to the fireflies here in the meadow. Despite not being able to talk, they are good at telling stories."

Prince Kiaskin looked at them a little more surprised. Did he hear a little mirth in their voice? He must have mistaken it. Yet, as he looked at their face, he couldn't help but notice a sparkle of happiness in their eyes as their face remained the same.

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