Part 9

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Ten days passed over the United States. In the mountains of northern Utah, creatures were calling, squeaking, and chirping. As nature's song flowed through the trees, fast stomping could be heard through the brush. It could have been a deer or a raccoon. But an animal like those wouldn't be chased by cars.

The young woman from California was now running for her life, trying to lose the cars behind her. 'I should never have left! I shouldn't have left!!' She thought as she raced through the trees and brush. So far, the cars could get close to her because of the trees and bushes.

She panted and sweat as she ran, feeling her heat racing and lungs burning. Soon, she came across a ditch and fell slightly. She pulled herself up against the ditch's wall, waiting for the cars to drive far away. When she couldn't hear the cars anymore, she sighed with relief as she sat to rest. A few minutes pass by before she gets up and walks the opposite way from cars direction. A half hour passes when she makes it to a dirt road.

'Shoot.' She thinks. 'I need to get off this road.' Before she gets off though, she hears a roar of an engine and feels lights behind coming quickly closer. She gasps before running away from the lights. She runs quickly, feeling the keep come closer, gaining on her.

'No. No. No! I can't go back!' She thinks feeling a few tears fall as her eyes shut tightly. 'Faster! Faster!!'

Suddenly, she feels her foot get caught on something, making her fall. She opens her eyes. Everything seems to go slowly as she sees what's happening next. She sees the hole she was falling into, she feels the jeep's lights on her, hee backpack slips off of her back. Everything goes back into speed when she opens her mouth and screams.

But her screams couldn't prevent her fate.

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