It was cold and dark, the sky cried as if mourning the loss of the kingdom. This happened two times before with different kingdoms. This wasn't a coincidence to begin with.
From the burning remains of the Fifth Kingdom, a carriage slowly rode away. Rain dripped along the sides of the carriage, creating little streams on the windows. Within the carriage, was a princess dressed in green. They were from the Third Kingdom, the kingdom that protects and saves.
Quietly they rode in the carriage as they pet the head of the heir to the Fifth Kingdom. He laid on their lap, wrapped in a blue blanket, as streaks from his tears dried. He looked delicate and broken from this tragedy. His home, his family, all of it burned to the ground. The Heartless princess sighed as they read their book. At least, they tried to read. Their thoughts raced, wondering what would have happened if they had gotten there sooner, why these accidents were happening, and who was creating these fires.
They heard a small groan come from the prince and looked down to check on him. His eyes scrunched for a second before he relaxed again. The princess sighed, feeling pity on him. I should have come there sooner. They thought. I could have prevented the fires. Their brows furrowed into a slightly saddened expression, feeling the guilt weighing on their shoulders. As the princess their thoughts to themself, the prince had his own thoughts as well.
He never expected someone to come. He never expected the Heartless Princess to come to try to save his kingdom. He never expected that any of this would happen at all. This wasn't supposed to happen... and yet, it did. Feeling his grief, the prince struggled hard not to cry. He didn't want to alarm the princess nor burden her with his troubles. He merely sighed, quietly.
Both of them were silent, one asleep and one reading as one offered comfort. All that's left now is to return to the Third Kingdom; to come home to a new day. Hopefully, it will be better than this one.

Hollow World Theory
Narrativa generaleA theory proposed by Edmond Halley in the 17th century. What if he was right? What if there was a world below our feet?