In the castle of the third kingdom, the maids and butlers were working. Out in the gardens, the garden keepers tended to the plants. Slowly, the sun rose, shining into the windows of the castle. In one of the rooms, the prince of the fifth kingdom was asleep.
Feeling the sun's rays shining on his face, he woke up. He turns to see five butlers waiting for him. Understanding what they were here for, the prince stood up and walked to them, allowing them to help him get ready for the day. The butlers helped him bathe, brought on his garments, and prepared him for the day.
"The waking meal will be out in the garden, sir." said one of the butlers. "Shall I lead you?"
The prince nodded, not wanting to talk. Acknowledging this, the butler lead the prince through the corridors, past many rooms, to the garden outside. There, three maids had brought the waking meal to the table. The butler and the prince walked to the table. The butler helped him into his seat before leaving. Two of the maids brought a bowl of sergion meal(sergion is a type of fruit) along with spoon. A bowl riscas fruit sat just in front of his bowl while next to it was a pitcher of silk water(a kind of water enhanced with magic). Just as he was about to start eating, however, the princess came quietly.
"Hello, my prince," she said, their voice sound smooth, yet hard. Startled, the prince looked at them abruptly. The maid however, bowed her head in respect. Picking up a risca, the princess continued their conversation.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked. The prince, shaking out of his shock, nodded.
"Yes," he said, a little quietly. "I did."
"Good." She nodded. She continues. "I will allow you to enjoy your meal. You are welcome to any where you like, except the training field and the weapons room. This is your home now."
The prince looked confused when he remembered. He looked down at his bowl as tears started to form in his eyes. The princess noticed this, a twinkle of pity in their eye. She touches his shoulder in a comforting way.
"My condolences." She whispered before leaving. The prince looked behind him as she left, feeling a little bit confused. Why would the Heartless princess act so kindly to him?

Hollow World Theory
Fiksi UmumA theory proposed by Edmond Halley in the 17th century. What if he was right? What if there was a world below our feet?