Andy, Hurry Up, Jack Off And Get Going!

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“They seem a lot closer than friends,” Jinxx whispers beside me. I nod, chewing thoughtfully on my bottom lip. Andy is passed out on the couch and Avery is sitting on the counter in the kitchen, Ashley standing in between her legs. They’re hugging each other tight, whispering to each other.

“You think Ash lied to us?” Jake asks. “About being just friends with her, I mean.”

I shake my head slowly. “No, I think they are friends. Like he said, they’ve known each other for years. Maybe they used to have a thing or something.”

“Why’d he ask us not to tell Andy?” Jinxx asks.

“I don’t think he wants Andy to know because he thinks he’ll back off…?” Jake offers. I roll my eyes and look at Jinxx, who smacks the back of Jake’s head for me. I roll my eyes and turn back to the love fest going on in the kitchen. Andy’s still asleep, and Jake, Jinxx and I saw the whole thing. Avery was in Andy’s arms on the couch, Ashley put the blanket over them. He really cares about her.

“You think Ashley likes her?” Jake asks. I wait patiently for the second smack, and finally turn to Jake when I hear it. He’s massaging the back of his head and glaring at a smug looking Jinxx.

“No, Ashley doesn’t like her,” I say. “If he did, he would have fucked her by now. I’m getting the vibe that she’s like a little sister to him or something. I haven’t seen him act like this for anyone before.”

“It’s weird,” Jake says. He flinches, waiting for another smack, but Jinxx knows not to give him one. He’s right, for once. It is weird. Not Jake being right. I mean, that is weird, but Ashley not liking Avery – that’s weird. It’s obvious she’s freaking gorgeous. Just look at her.

We hear giggling and the three of us look back over to Avery and Ashley. Ashley is kissing Avery’s neck and she’s giggling, smiling brightly at him.

“She’s cheating on Andy!” Jake gasps. Jinxx and I smack him at the same time.

“They’re not together, dumbass,” Jinxx laughs. “Andy’s with Juliet, remember?”

“Right,” Jake mumbles, massaging the back of his head. “I’m going back to bed. The two of you are too abusive.” Jake climbs back into his bunk and slams the screen shut. I roll my eyes and so does Jinxx. The two of us turn back to Ashley and Avery, and we watch the two continue to goof off and flirt while Andy sleeps, totally unaware of what’s occurring just a few feet away.

Andy’s POV


“Andy, I’ll be right here,” Avery giggles, smiling up at me. “You can see me from the stage.”

“You promise you won’t miss anything?” I ask, smiling down at her. Avery giggles again and wraps her arms around my neck, leaning up on her tip toes to press her lips softly to mine.

“I promise,” She says, pulling back. I press my lips back to hers and grab her hips, pulling her closer. Our lips move quickly against each other, and soon our tongues join the dance. I back Avery up against a wall and press myself fully against her, feeling her body flush against mine. Avery moans and rocks her hips forward, causing fireworks of pleasure to shoot off in my head.

“Andy,” Someone yells. It might be Ashley, or Jinxx, or Jake, it could be Jesus for all I know. I kiss Avery harder, letting my hand slip up under her shirt.

“Andy,” That annoying voice says my name again. Who is that?



“The fuck man!?” I jump up, my  head smacking against something hard.

“Dammit, Andy! That was my face!” Avery groans from the floor. I look down to see her massaging her forehead, much like I’m doing to my own.

“Sorry,” I mumble, mentally smacking myself unconscious. God that was a stupid move.

“You’re almost as bad as Ashley when I wake him up,” Avery grumbles to herself.

“What?” I ask, not sure I heard her correctly. When has she ever had to wake up Ashley before?

“Nothing,” Avery shakes her head and looks up at me. “No blood, no foul, right?”

“Yeah,” I nod slowly. “Are you okay? I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Avery giggles. I raise an eyebrow.

“What’s so funny?” I ask. Avery shakes her head and goes to get up but I grab her hand and pull her back. I pull her harder than planned and she lands on top of me, her legs on either side of my waist. Well, that worked out better than I’d planned.


Damn my hormones and the fact that my girlfriend is a raging bitch.

“You were moaning my name in your sleep,” Avery giggles. “And, you might want to go handle something.”

“Huh?” Avery giggles and leans down, her lips brushing past my ear.

“Your little friend wants to come out and play,” She says, biting on my ear lobe and tugging. My cheeks flush crimson and I jump up off the couch, grabbing a pillow and holding it over my erection. Well, that’s embarrassing.

“Awe, Andy,” Avery giggles, sitting Indian style on the couch. “You’re so cute, being all embarrassed. Believe it or not, I’ve been around more than one erection before right now.”

“Where’s everybody else?” I ask, looking around. The bus appears to be empty besides Avery and I.

“Oh, they’re all in the venue setting up,” Avery giggles. “You slept the whole day.”

“Ah!” I run into the bunk room and grab clothes, scrambling into the bathroom. Avery giggles at me the whole time, clearly enjoying every minute of this.

Damn her and her sexiness.


Oh, why am I fighting it? She is sexy. And perfect. And smart. And funny. And cute. And-

“Andy, hurry up, jack off and get going! The concert starts in two hours and you have to see the fans before.”  Avery sings on the other side of the bathroom door.

And a smartass. A complete and total smartass. A sexy, perfect, smart, funny, cute smartass, who I’m having sexual dreams about and it’s only been two days. I don’t know why, but I the more I think about Avery and how different from Juliet she is, the more I realize just how much I like Avery more.

I’m, well, I’m fucked.

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