She Was Kind Of Cute.

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Life sucks, and then you die. That’s just the fact of life. It’s always been like that, and it always will be. Everyone knows that. You just go through life, being judged by what you wear, what music you listen to, what your hair looks like, and then at the very end you die. No one will remember your name unless you do something great, which most of us won’t. You’ll soon be forgotten and become just another gravestone at some random cemetery.

Hi, by the way. I’m Avery…Avery Williams. You probably don’t know much about me…in fact, it’d be kind of weird if you did. You would also probably be a social outcast and freak if you ever spoke to me. People were too afraid to say, “Move,” in the hallway at school, I’m that freakish. I’m the girl who wears all black and converse, who listens to “scary bands” with “gay fags who wear makeup” as the musicians I look up to. Justin Bieber and One Direction are the last two things I would be caught dead with on my iPod.

I walk down the street, my arms crossed over my chest. It’s cold and rainy, the weather reflecting my miserable mood perfectly. Black Veil Brides are walking around the city somewhere (I'm in Denver) and I'm silently praying that maybe I'll see them. Maybe, if I see them, I won't do what I'm about to do.

I'm about to jump off a bridge. Not just any bridge, no, the Denver Millennium Bridge. It's, like, 25ft high, but it crosses over railway tracks. If I can plan it just right, maybe a train will run over me too.

I know, I know, you're probably saying, "You're worth it, hunny - don't do that to yourself." Well, keep your mouth shut. You and my counselor can suck it, okay? I'm not some sad and depressed little girl who will listen to you. I'm done, okay? Just...done.

My mom told me to do it, my sister told me to do it - pretty much everyone in my class told me to do it. Why shouldn't I? It's January 6, and I turned 18 two days ago. I'm a legal adult, I can do whatever I want. School doesn't care about me I can drop out.

Well, I won't need to drop out, will I? I'll be dead. Gone. Forgotten. Poof.

I walk up the steps of the bridge and hug my chest tighter as a sharp breeze blows, slicing through my hoodie like it's not even there. It's about five and the sun is starting to set. At least, I think it is. It's starting to get darker.

I chew on my bottom lip and walk to the middle of the bridge. There are no trains in sight, which sucks. I don't know of any that run this late, or around this time in fact. I didn't really bother to check the schedule. I lean on the railing and look down. It's not that far of a jump...maybe I should I have picked a different bridge. Something higher and over water maybe.

The sound of laughter cuts through the silence. I ignore it. It's probably just some tourists or something. It's silent again andn I keep my back to the group of people as they pass. It sounds like a bunch of guys goofing off. Once I'm sure they're gone I move to sit on the railing, my legs dangling off on the other side.

Is that a train I hear? Is there one coming after all? A smile creeps its way onto my face. Maybe I will get the ending I want.

Ashley's POV

"She was kind of cute, Andy," CC says, talking about the girl we'd passed on the bridge. Andy is having issues with Juliet and we're all trying to convince him to ditch her and get with someone else. I mean, really - the chick's crazy.

"I guess," Andy shrugs. I know he's trying to act like the good boyfriend everyone thinks he is, but we all know he was checking her out.

"I'll go back and talk to her," I say, beginning to turn around.

"Ashley," Jake laughs. "You're just going to get her number for yourself."

"Jake, I can't believe you think I'd do something like that," I frown, even though the thought did cross my mind, Andy is more important right now. "Now, I'll catch up with you guys in a few back at the hotel. With any luck, I'll have brought her back with me."

"See!" Jinxx laughs. "She is for you!"

"I meant for Andy," I cross my arms over my chest and huff. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

I wave goodbye to the boys and they begin heading back to the hotel. I wrap my arms over my chest and begin trudging back to the bridge. I begin ascending the steps and when I get to the top I see the girl sitting on the edge of the railing. It looks like...she's going to jump off. A train can be heard and I see her close her eyes, leaning forward more.

Oh Hell no. She hasn't even met Andy yet!

I keep quiet, wanting to make my rescue as movie-like as possible. I am a ladies man, after all. I walk up behind her and remain silent, snaking my arms around her without touching her. The girl is about eighteen, maybe nineteen? Either way she's legal, I think. She's got long black hair with red tips and is kind of pale, just like Andy. They're perfect, aren't they? She has plugs in both ears and snakebites. Cute.

The girl takes a deep breath and starts to lean forward, letting go.

Only, instead of falling to the ground, she falls into my arms and I pull her back over the railing, into my chest.

"What the...-"

"I'm Ashley," I say. "And I just saved your life."

...okay so i know this is like my third story on here but my jacky vincent one is on hold and i had the idea for this and i really wanted to upload it :3 please vote / fan if you haven't already and leave comments! thanks <3

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