You're Kicking Me Out?

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Andy's POV

I knew he loved her. I knew it. I could see it in his eyes. When Ashley looks at her his eyes light up like they used to when he'd look at any other girl with boobs. Now they only do that for her. She's all he talks about. I can't stand being near him because I know he'll bring Avery up, and I don't want to think about her or hear her name more than I have to.  

God, I'm such a fool. How could I ever have thought that she could return my feelings for her? How much of a fool was I? I will admit that doing what I did with her was wrong, but we all know Juliet hasn't exactly been faithful either.  

Am I really trying to justify all of this by putting the blame squarely on Juliet, though? What kind of man does that?  


I hear someone-CC maybe?-calling my name. I take a cigarette out of a pack and light it, putting the cigarette to my lips. I inhale and exhale slowly, watching the smoke puff out before me.  

It's cold and rainy today. I picked a bad day to decide to run off the bus, but it's better now than never. I should have earlier but I couldn't bring myself to. Why did I stick around for so long? Why didn't I leave? 


Goddammit, someone really is trying to get my attention. Shouldn't they understand that I don't want to be followed? If I did I wouldn't have just fucking stormed off like I did. 

"For fuck's sake, Andy, listen to me!" a hand clasps down on my shoulder and I spin around, smacking it away. 

"Go away, CC, I'm not in the mood," I say, my voice even. I'm about to start shaking. I don't know whether I want to yell or cry. Probably both. 

"Why are you being so immature?" CC asks. "Huh?" 

"I'm being immature?" I scoff. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the one sitting around pretending to be Mr. Righteous all day, every day." 

"I wouldn't have to if you would just man up and tell Avery how you feel!" CC yells. He pulls at his hair and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Being away from her is hurting you, I can tell. She's broken too, Andy." 

"She has Ashley," I laugh darkly. "What the hell does she need me for?" 

"You're jealous of Ashley?" CC stops. "She doesn't love him-she loves you." 

"Yeah, it sure seemed like it this morning," I put my hands on my hips. "Why the hell are you even taking her side?"  

"Andy, what's gotten into you?" CC takes a step back, his eyes searching mine. I keep my face emotionless and blank. 

"My girlfriend is cheating on me and treating me like shit, there's a random stranger on my tour bus creating chaos wherever she goes and all of my band mates are turning their backs on me," I snap. "Of course I'm not going to be all happy about it." 

"We're not turning on you, Andy," CC says. "We're trying to help you. I'm trying to help." 

"I didn't ask for anyone's help," I spit. "Especially yours." 

"What's that supposed to mean?"  

"It means that if you're not sure where your loyalties lie," I say. "Then get the hell out of my band." 

"You're kicking me out?" CC scoffs. "Don't even bother. I'll finish out the tour, but after that consider me gone. It shouldn't take you long to find a new drummer. After all, you do seem to have a gift when it comes to replacing old band members." 

With that, CC turns on his heel and sulks back towards the bus. As I watch his retreating figure I ignore the voice in my head screaming at me to run after him. Thunder rumbles overhead and rain begins to pour down from the sky like a bucket is being dumped on top of the area. Sheet after sheet of rain slams against my body, thousands of ice cold needles piercing my skin. 

But I can't move. I can't. My feet seem to have been cemented to the ground. I flick my cigarette onto the ground and look up at the dark sky. 

"Are you happy now? Huh?" I yell to no one in particular. "Is this what you want?" 

The only answer I receive is another clap of thunder and even more rain hitting my face. I look back towards the bus just in time to see the door close as CC steps back inside. I whirl around and kick the first thing I see-and old trash can.  

"Fuck everything!" I yell, kicking it again. I look back towards the bus and my body begins to shake. I lean against a building a few feet away and slide to the ground, wrapping my arms around my knees. A black cat scurries past in an attempt to find a dry place to escape from the rain.  

What have I done?

Hey babes :3 so i was going to finish this chapter in Avery's POV but i figured i'd try to make this story as long as possible and so i'll just end it here for now. sorry it's so short i just wanted to get something up so that you guys weren't waiting forever. so, cc is leaving D: how do you think avery and the rest of the guys will react?

You Hate That You Love Me [Andy Biersack]Where stories live. Discover now