She's A Psycho.

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Avery’s POV

“CC, put me down!” I giggle, hitting his back playfully. “I’m scared of heights!”

“I’m not that tall!” He laughs. I’m hanging over CC’s shoulder like a sack of flour and he’s carrying me from the bunk room to the living room of the bus. I’d been happily asleep in Ashley’s bunk when he’d not-so-gently picked me up a few seconds ago.

“Oomph.” I groan when I hit the couch. CC laughs and sits down on the floor in front of me. Moments later, Jake and Jinxx appear on either side of him, evil smiles plastered on all three of their faces. This can’t be good.

“We have a plan to get you and Andy together,” The three of them say in unison. I knew it.

“Guys, he has a girlfriend,” I point out. Jake rolls his eyes and Jinxx sighs. CC laughs until he falls backwards on the floor. The three of us sit and wait for a few minutes, wading out the laugh attack that CC is having. When he’s finally able to sit up again, I cock my head to the side and stare at him with my best what-is-your-point face.

“He has a master, he doesn’t have a girlfriend,” CC says. “He’s like a freaking slave. He can’t do shit without her okay.”

“Honestly,” Jinxx says. “I’m surprised she even let him schedule tour dates in another country. I mean, letting him come all the way over here to Florida was a shock to all of us.”

“She’s a psycho,” Jake says. “I’d never say anything to Andy’s face about it because I’m his friend, but she scares me.”

“Me too,” Jinxx says.

“Me three,” CC sighs.

“Like, what does she do?” I ask. “Andy told me about the issue with taking Femme and Crow to the vet the other day,” I say. “But, what else does she do?”

“He’s not allowed to out with us anymore,” Jinxx says. “And she has to approve all of his pictures on Instagram before he posts them.”

“And he hasn’t been hanging out with us as much anymore,” Jake says. “I mean, we’re all in relationships, so we get that you need to spend some time with your girl, but he’s always with her. He never goes out with us, like Jinxx said.”

“Yeah,” CC nods. “But she can go out with her friends and have fun but Andy can’t do shit.”

“Well that’s…unfortunate…” I sigh. “I really don’t know what you guys want me to do.”

“Get to know him,” CC offers. “Show him what a good girl is like. Let him know that there is someone better out there for him.”

“It may not necessarily be you,” Jinxx adds. “But you could…help steer him in the right direction.”

“But,” Jake pouts. “Avery and Andy are my OTP.”

“Okay, no more tumblr for you,” Jinxx rolls his eyes. I laugh and shake my head. How did I end up with these idiots as my friends?

A Few Hours Later, Before The Show in Fort Lauderdale, FL*

I walk backstage, laughing as CC, Jake and Jinxx watch anxiously from the other side. They made me walk all the way across the stage from the left side entrance to the right where Andy is somewhere. Ashley is with the rest of the stage crew watching them carry his bass around, freaking out every time they move it suddenly.

I turn around and give the Three Musketeers (cute nickname for them, right?) one last thumbs up before turning and walking through the door that leads to the sound check room. The moment the door closes behind me I wish I hadn’t come in. Andy is on the phone, and I think it’s with Juliet. They’re fighting about something, what I don’t know. I crouch down beside some amps and listen even though I know it’s wrong and Andy will probably get really mad if he finds out I eavesdropped.

“Juliet, are you still pissed off about me not taking the cats to the vet?” Andy groans. “I told you I was too busy and you said that you would…No…Juliet seriously…Calm down…You didn’t even take them!?...They could get sick!...No, it’s not just my responsibility! They’re your cats too…I can’t even…Whatever. Call me back when you calm the fuck down and realize what you did was fucked up.”

Andy hangs up and exhales through his nose in frustration. I sigh, my heart feeling for him. I know what it’s like to be in a crappy relationship with someone and not be able to leave them. It must be worse for Andy, though. The fans will definitely have something to say about it, the media will too. Plus he has her name and shit tattooed on himself. Even if he does break up with her, there will be reminders everywhere. And they live together, so there’s that to think about too.

“You okay, Andy?” I ask, stepping out from behind the amp. Andy had sat down on one and was massaging his temples. He looks up from his seat and nods, letting out a shaky breath.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” He says. “You, uh…I’m guessing you heard that?”

“Only the end,” I say. I walk over and sit down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his knee. “You want to talk about it?” Andy shakes his head.

“No,” He says. “I mean, you don’t care, so-”

“Don’t say that,” I say. “It’s making you upset. I don’t like seeing you upset. You look much better when you’re happy, so I do care. Plus, all those fans tonight are going to be let down if you’re in a pissy mood the whole time.”

Andy looks at me, his blue eyes searching mine. For the first time in a long time, I feel something other than this deep-rooted hatred for the world and everything in it. For the first time since I can remember, I feel something other than this never-ending feeling of self loathing and regret for everything I’ve ever done, and everything I didn’t do.

For the first time, I feel complete. And that, dear friends, scares the shit out of me, because it wasn’t supposed to happen.

hey guys :3 so just letting you know again i don't have anything against juliet - at all. she's nice & bla bla bla. she makes andy happy, so i'm happy. do i like her voice? hell no. but she's making andy happy, and i'm okay with that. if he wants to make his ear drums bleed every time one of her favorite songs comes on the radio, that's fine with me lol.

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