Snowy take VI

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Chapter 6. (Woo)

Snowy take.
‼️TW‼️Abuse, Blood, Weapons, Alcohol

After that incident, I was trapped inside my house, no way of escape. Even if dad wasn't home I couldent go outside everything was locked, and mom dead body was buried under our kitchen floor. It sent shivers down my spine everytime I walked into the kitchen and sometimes I didn't even go into the kitchen so I just starved.

My wings were in a lot of pain, without proper medical treatment for them they hurt a lot to flap or move. So this is my life now? I'm a trapped kid alone and scared in a house with a MONSTER hurting me. This is the rest of my life now. I'll never be free. I'll never see tubbo again...
Is what I thought. Until an opportunity Took place.
It was a cold winter night, Outside it was snowing not hard luckily, as I stared out the window I heard our front door open and when I went to go look the door was wide open. It wasn't close? Usually when dad gets home he makes sure to close the door so I don't run out.
This is the only way out and I have to take this chance now. I dashed down the stairs with my hoodie and ran outside. The cold breeze hitting my face, And snow as well.

I ran to the Golden Gate and started climbing it, But the ice on the gates was so slippery I fell back, I started screaming help as loud as I could but it was no use. I tried climbing the gate over and over again but the snow on the bars got slippery and slippery. And that's when I heard its footsteps , No not it HIS footsteps, "TOMATHY INNIT U GET BACK IN HERE" my father screamed as I jolted my head back and looked at him, I then grabbed onto the gate and started climbing it flapping my wings going thru the pain but I fell back again. That's when I heard his footsteps come closer so I ran.

I ran all the way to the back of our house and to this small shack we had, I ran inside of it and hid in a corner with alot of buckets and boxes. I should be fine here for a while, well from him but not this cold weather. I shivered in the corner trying not to be loud, and thats when I felt something fall onto my shoulder, I turned to look and it was a big black bag.

It felt so cold which wasn't helping me feel any better, I tried moving it but whatever was in it was heavy and I mean heavy felt like a huge rock, I manage to move it a bit off me but once I did a bucket of paint fell over, Blue paint fell all over the floor and on me, and then I heard his foot steps crunching along the snow Get louder. I fucked up.

As they got louder and louder I prepared for the worst, he was gonna drag me back in and hurt me again. But worse...
The steps got louder

And closer
And closer
And closer
And closer
I could feel the shack handle Being touched and moved

The door was opening
Slowly and slowly...
This was checkmate...
I've lost....
"POLICE COME ON OUT LITTLE BOY ITS OKAY" is what I heard from the door, I looked up and peaked my head out from the cans and boxes. A police officer with four legs, green skin and pointy ears. He had a small tail and wore a usual police outfit, he looked at me and kneed down one foot, "hey buddy its alright, We're here to save u" he said with a soft voice. I hesitated at first but then I came out from the boxes and cans and walked over to him, he grabbed my hand slowly and we walked over to where all the other cops were.

I saw my father in a cop car sitting there until he saw me he started banging on the door mouthing my name. But I didn't go near him, or look back at him, he had this coming. The nice officer who found me was called Sam and he took me into his car, he said something about a hospital visit first before going to the police station afterwards but I don't remember because next thing I knew. I was passed out.

(Long chapter let's go >:D!! Prepare for the next one!!)

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