Ms puffy IX

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Chapter 9
(Finally am I right)
Enjoy tho :D oh and happy 2022!!

I wake up stretching my back and legs,As I get up from my bed and get dressed for the new day, I grab my brush off my desk and brush my hair, placing it back down on the desk and walk out my room. Ready for the new day of this hell of the orphanage is what I thought it would be like today, But instead today was calm, Everyone was acting excited and well behaved. Oh no I knew what this meant.

A new adult is coming to the orphanage to adopt someone, Didn't really matter to me tho since I knew I wasn't going be adopter anyways, Well hopefully I wasn't I can't stand the people who adopt me there all so rude,Anyways I sat down at a table with my food tray and started eating, Oh yeah I got food it was breakfast time So,Today breakfast was pancake and eggs. The pancakes were good besides the eggs, They tasted a bit raw gross.After I finished eating I put my tray away and went out side. We had this big Field where kids could play on the playground, Play soccer, play in the sandbox. You get the idea.

The orphanage might have badish food and small rooms, but it wasn't a poor orphanage. I went over to the swings and just sat there on the swing swinging a little While kids ran around giggling and playing games. I saw these group of kids playing Tick tac toe, It seem fun to be honest, As much as I would like to ask to play with them, those group of kids playing don't like me so. As I was distracted in my thoughts swinging on the swing I suddenly stopped and almost fell off the swing but grabbed onto the chain and looked over to who did that, It was the kid who I fought with yesterday and his little group,"What do u guys want" i scoffed at them "Just wanted to tell the Dirty raccoon boy to get off the swings, It's my turn" "No way I was on it first" The boy Growled at me "I said it was my Turn Tomathy, So u better get off the swing" "or else what" I Said staring at him, He stared back. We had a small stare Contest Until we heard a voice.

"Hey now break it up you two" A women Said going in between us "you two shouldn't be near each other you know" She scoffed at us, "Sorry ma'am " the boy said, "You better be, Now tomathy Come on. You have someone who wants to see you" the women grabbed my arm and dragged me away as the boys stuck there tongue at me, I sighed as the women dragged me, great the adult that everyone excited about seeing me out of everyone else.

As we made it to the main Hall I saw her,Ms Puffy the Girl boss Of the place, she owned this orphanage and was a very nice lady she the only adult I got along with, She had big white puffy hair (Get it haha) with rainbow tips at the end of her hair  and wore this Puffy shirt and black pants with boots, she kind of reminded me of a pirate, Without the coat and Hat, Ms puffy spotted us and she walked over and smiled at me, "Tommy hello how are you bud!" I smiled back "I'm good Ms puffy", " That's great to hear!!" She smiled "Now you must know why u are here right?" I sighed "an adult wants to see me" I put crossed my hands looking annoyed "Yes that's right!He's a very nice man and I think you will like him" Yeah right That's what she said last time and the last guy hit me with a stick.

She shoo'd the lady away who brought me and put a hand to my shoulder, "Listen Tommy I know it's been hard with u but I promise this man is nice" she said, I didn't believe her obviously but I nodded. "Now wait here will you? I will call u in just a second okay? " I nodded again as she walked into a room it's not like I had a choice other then to wait really.

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