九 : will you be there to find me again?

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jungwon couldn't hold back his tears

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jungwon couldn't hold back his tears. he was finally detonating his deepest emotions. all of that pain and yet, you would never like him back.  he wrapped his arms around the basket. the fresh smell of the biscuits he had baked in the morning had faded. well, what is there to enjoy anyways?

it felt as if the pain wouldn't erode, it felt as if even when he didn't want to see you anymore, images of you would still flash within his sight. "it's the prince!" a girl yelled from behind jungwon. it was jongseong again. jungwon could feel a familiar presence, yet couldn't bring himself to even glance at the prince.

curiosity sparked inside of him, why is he always there when i'm down? yes, something was off about that, but jungwon did not complain about anything. he enjoyed jongseong's warm comfort. in fact, he loved it. but there was not much for him to smile about now. not much.

on the other hand, jongseong had just left the castle for a stroll. it had gotten too quiet in the castle, and he just wanted to saunter without being forced back into his room. his looks were shining that day, and he knew it. jongseong would never waste a chance to display his charming appearance.

his eyes wandered faster than his figure had, but he stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw a familiar boy on the sidewalk. jungwon? jongseong was having a good day, but it all crumbled down at the heartbreaking sight of jungwon crying. he felt the agony. he knew it very well. he walked up slowly to jungwon. the prince's skin pressed itself against the boy's, startling him.

"your highness, i-" jungwon's words were cut off by the shock caused by jongseong's cold hands, which had cupped his wet cheeks. "what's the matter? why are you crying?" jongseong asked in a worried tone. jungwon shook jongseong's hands off, wiping the tears dry by himself. jungwon didn't know how to answer the prince.

he didn't know how to tell the prince that he was crying over a girl and her silly boyfriend of some sort. "tell me, please." jongseong pleaded, his eyes watering. jungwon couldn't bring himself to speak. he was not a sore loser, no one can make yang jungwon a sore loser. "i-i don't wanna talk about it." jungwon said hesitantly.

the prince sighed, after all, he shouldn't force someone to talk about the reason of their tears. he was being impolite, and that was not what his mother had taught him. jongseong patted jungwon's back repeatedly, calmly listening to jungwon as he followed him to a little house with a sign.

"my house is better than a gingerbread house! don't be afraid to knock!"

jongseong followed jungwon into the small and cozy house. the prince's eyes widened at how warm his heart felt just to be in there. he didn't always feel that way. seeing jongseong smile was elusive as his father always stacked bricks upon bricks of stress on top of his shoulders. ah, it felt nice to just roam around for a while without so much on his mind.

jungwon placed the basket on the ground, walking towards his room as he locked the door. jongseong looked at the basket, hmm.  his curiosity couldn't stop his hands to wander and look in the small basket. a bunch of gingerbread cookies laid inside, and an odd smell greeted jongseong's senses. "ugh, who made these?"

jongseong groaned before covering the basket with a cloth on the sofa. the prince looked around the house and found dirty bowls on a table near the sink. did jungwon bake those cookies? he didn't think that jungwon could bake so.. weirdly. "well, it's not like i'll get poisoned." jongseong shrugged as he bit off the gingerbread man's head.

he chewed, squinting his eyes as the cookie had an extremely bitter taste. "that was a lot, um." the prince looked around and put the cookie back into the basket, quickly covering it with the cloth again as jungwon walked out of his room. "are you okay now?" jongseong asked as he walked towards the swollen-eyed boy. jungwon forced a smile.

although the boy was still feeling sad, he nodded. jungwon didn't mean to lie, but he had to. he didn't want anyone to interfere with that piercing feeling of agony. the both of them sat on the sofa, just a small gap separating them from touching each other. jungwon's hand crept up on jongseong's hand. the prince's eyes widened at the sudden contact.

he glanced at jungwon's warm hand, smiling inside. just being near jungwon felt like a dream he would never want to wake up from. that moment had been something jongseong would cherish for a long time. at one point, it didn't feel like it was him comforting jungwon. it felt like jungwon was comforting him.

that cold feeling in jongseong's heart had melted from jungwon's warmth. but that wasn't what the prince was there for. he wasn't there to get comforted, he was there to comfort someone else. he was there to comfort someone who needed it more. jongseong placed his hand on top of jungwon's, which was the cause of a bewitching smile.

he knew that there was hope in everything, even in a moment that he would never be able to grasp.

i pray that you won't know of sadness and continue smiling.

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