8. be a supportive friend

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Camilo Madrigal almost looked like a puppy wagging his tail with how he followed Y/N around town

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Camilo Madrigal almost looked like a puppy wagging his tail with how he followed Y/N around town.

She held a sketchbook tightly to her chest while various paints and brushes filled Camilo's arms. He had oh-so graciously offered to take her shopping, and once again, he paid.

"Mi amor, what's on the agenda today?" Camilo questioned, "Other than me having dinner with you and your wonderful family." He shifted into Andres, smirking, before changing back.

Y/N laughed, playfully bumping her hip against his. He grinned, slipping his right hand into Y/N's grasp. She paid him no mind; all her attention focused on the pathway in front of her instead. Camilo yawned, small tears welling up in his brown eyes.

"Tired?" Y/N questioned, glancing at him. Camilo soundlessly nodded, his knees almost buckling. He usually slept like a baby on most nights, but this week had been difficult for him. Y/N never failed to plague his mind and, no matter how hard Camilo tried, she was the only thing on his mind. He hoped Y/N felt the same way because, with how dark her eyebags were, he assumed she wasn't sleeping well either.

"I've had rough nights." Camilo muttered, "I fell asleep in my breakfast this morning!" Y/N snickered, amused. She'd pay to see that; it sounded amusing.

"Looks like we both need a good sleep." Y/N chuckled, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Did you use a new perfume today?" Camilo pouted, "I liked your old one better." Although Y/N's current scent was an exotic mix of spicy, fruity, and hints of amber warmed by honey and musk, he found it didn't exactly suit her. It smelled more mature and seductive, no doubt belonging to one of her mothers' instead.

"Yeah. I ran out of my own, so I had to use another." Y/N sheepishly smiled, "It's not really my cup of tea since I prefer flowery perfumes, but it still smells nice." Camilo nodded, mentally noting that helpful information down. Perhaps he could buy Y/N something special to thank her for inviting him over for dinner.

"I'll drop you off at your house, mi amor. I need to help my family with something." That was a lie. Luisa and Mirabel had already taken care of everything. What he was truly doing was going to his older sister, Dolores, and his cousin, Isabela, for guidance. As embarrassing as it was, Camilo wanted tonight to go perfectly. He didn't want to chicken out like yesterday, where Y/N somehow broke him.

"I still need to buy one thing," Y/N muttered, looking down at her list.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Camilo questioned. Y/N beamed, shaking her head.

"I'm going to try it by myself, this time."

Camilo was shocked but also proud. He patted Y/N's head, satisfaction swelling up in his chest.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 #camilo madrigal [✓]Where stories live. Discover now