fgod error a ending he loved

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This is like- the second oldest oneshot on this, why do l know this? Simple, THIS ONESHOT IS SO DAMN SHORT- So yeh, l have been feeling sad lately and now it seems to be affecting my reality cuz my parents are starting to notice, so l thought l could take some of it out by posting one of my older oneshots :D also, in gacha club, l somehow got the character named "lonely" 3 times- is this just a coincidence?

Narrator's POV

He was in the anti-void knitting, he wonders, how long has it been? How long has it been till he could take a little break? To finally take a nap? He had done that eon ago, now just an long memory from long ago, when will this fighting end? When will a truce be made?

W I L L   A   T R U C E   B E   M A D E ?

All these questions appeared in his head, all he just wanted now was just a good rest, 1 that will last forever but in he end, everyone hates him, why would he get his last wish he wanted? He continued knitting what seemed to be a tar covered skeleton, once a friend, now a enemy, how long has it been since he had a friend to talk to? He knows it has been too long, even if he did wanted a friend, he would never get one

F A T E   I S N ' T   T H A T   N I C E

Ink's POV

We had to bring an end to error's meaningless destruction, but l don't know how, but l do know is that we needed to stop it, we needed a plan, a plan to forever stop him but we didnt have that plan, l need to call a meeting, now

Ink: dream! Call a meeting!

Dream: okay ink!

He says as he goes and does the thing, l am forever happy to have him by my side, l go to the meeting room, soon to be filled with a variety of sanses

Ink: l have called this meeting today, because we need to stop error, and this time, l will allow what ever it takes to stop him

I say, a bunch of fells raise their hand, this is gonna take long

*time skip to when they get a plan*

Ink: okay! Copy number 1837 is picked!

I say, his plan won the most votes

Ink: l shall explain the plan again, we attack at dawn, in the omegaverse's timeline, at 6, we infiltrate the anti-void and finish him off once and for all

I say, it's time we end this war, it may be a very simple plan, but with our numbers, we will win

Error's POV

Error: acho!

I sneeze, is someone talking crap 'bout me? (Nah they talking about ending ya) eh who cares, not like l am gonna find the person, l continue knitting an ink puppet, all though l do kinda hate him, he still has my respect, l continue to make his clothes, not knowing this will be the last puppet l make

Error: 4nd d0nE!

I say, holding it up like it is the best thing l made (it isn't but it will be ur last puppet so might as well look at it before you die) l throw it across the anti-void, soon feeling the hatred towards ink, l donno what to do now

And just like it was a key word to start something horrifying, l see ink portal ink the anti-void, great, now l have to deal with him

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