a lot of ships -party-

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I was in the crepic and also in other ships mood- l was watching "l wish you were sober" for the millionth time, l wanted to make an animation 'bout it but it's sadly copywrited ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ but then l got l got an idea "what if l just make a oneshot inspired by it?" Cuz l don't really think l'd have enough motivation for a animatic that long XD

Also please keep in mind that l am doing this at midnight 'kay? So my writing might be funky

Author's POV (it's been a while since l have done my POV)

There was a party gathering, after all, it was going to be valentine's day, so, the creator, ink, was inspired to make an AU for the holiday, where everyone would be able to enjoy their day in this AU

But, for some magical reason, it only appeared on the exact day of valentine's day (l realized that l fucking hate valentine's day-) weird right?

Not like a bunch of people minded it, it just made the AU even more special! Though... I do kind of wonder. . . What would happen if you stay there too long?

Though, unfortunately this story will not be about that cuz this would be too long and l just thought up this plot and l wouldn't want to change it-

Ink's POV

"And done!" I say, l really wanted to start valentine's day a little early, so l had decided to throw a party the day before valentine's day! great idea am l right? Though, l had prepared this before hand, this party was gonna start tomorrow

I just sigh and look up at the now night sky, there were 2 parts in this party, one was held outside and the other inside, l was outside just patching up some grass here and there, y'know making this place have a unique feeling to it!

The main colors were pink, a few custom made love games, and some normal ones for the ones that want to stay single, *cough cough* the author *cough cough* l was now just admiring my work, l had decided to make the AU stay night, why? Well it looked prettier plus it doesn't burn the author's eyes-

We wouldn't want that happening again. . . The moon was shining brightly, while l just looked up, since l had decided to actually try and make time the same for all AUs, it should be around night over there for all the AUs

At least l won't have to wait long to start the party, l sigh and stood up, dusting myself, l needed some sleep now, after all l wouldn't want to be tired for the whole party!

So l created a portal to my mansion, going inside, l can't wait for the party!

Epic's POV

Me and Cross were binge watching "Naruto" the author would love to do that too but her son of a bitch sister keeps stopping her from watching it, all simply because she hates the series, l mean bruh, she ain't even watching it with her

I just look back up, l was actually really tired same with the author-

(Dude! It just hit midnight!)

The light from the TV blinding mine and the author's eyes once and a while, what about cross you ask? He fell asleep a while ago, l was just sitting on his lap, trying to keep me eyes open, it is truly a mystery to those who do all nighters

(Those all nighters have their secrets, unfortunately l don't know them)

I sigh and lean back, maybe l should just sleep, l mean, just in the morning today ink said that he was going to make a party before valentine's day so that we all can just spend our time with our loved ones on the real day not bothering with any party

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