fgod error stuck (part 2)

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I had to make a part 2 cuz the part 1 had over 7000+ words, and it took to long to scroll to the end so yah, part 2 start! Also as said l posted the part 2 UwU finally got to it-

Error's POV

I soon finished changing my pants, god why did l agree to stay again? I lay down on my bed, well my hands are now free, how about l knit? With that in mind l grab the knitting supplies l had in my inventory out, and started making a doll of ink, nothing too serious

Time passes either slow or fast for me, so it really is hard to tell the time, l wonder, will ink keep creating if l am here? If so then l need to get out of here he does that, but he isn't doing that for now so l will play his little game, after all.... If things get too serious, l can call blue, the charas, or the toriels

I was almost done with the doll of ink, but l suddenly got super sleepy, before l knew it l dropped what l was doing on my bed and layed down, l was trying to protest but my body wasn't listening to me, soon enough l my eyes felt heavy, and before l knew it l was asleep, l hope the nightmare's won't get me

Do not worry child, for l bread, now have control of this multiverse, you are now in safe hands child, wait l probably shouldn't call you a child your older than me-

After that l was awoken, tf? I tilt my head up and see ink, l immediately screech, ink soon drops me and covers his ears

Ink: why did you do that?!?!

W4Y w3rE y0U cAr1nG mE?!

I say, he soon gets what l meant by that question

Ink: sorry, your bed was uncomfortable so l thought l could take you to my room

I soon huff, does this guy think he is the boss?! I soon sigh and get up, the bed is kinda uncomfortable

I soon go to ink's room, while ink was following me, a confused look on his face

Soon l was in his room, and l flopped down

J4St c0m3 hEr3, D0N'T m5k3 tH1s aN¥ mOr3 aWk£aRd

I say, blush on my face, l really just wanted to sleep, l needed to talk to that weird bread person, ink soon had a huge smile on his face, and in a blink of an eye he was right next to me, l just look away and cuddle him, it's been a while since l had physical contact

He just cuddles me back, and soon l fall into a deep slumber

Uhh sorry for the interruption, but as l was saying l now have control of this multiverse, you can now ask in to stop creating, in return you will stop destroying

Are they out of their mind? Sure they now have control the the bastard is stubborn

B5t tH3 bAst3rD i3 sO stUbb0Rn!

I say, they just chuckle

Well that is your problem error, well since you are still asleep l will let you take control of this dream, bye!

And soon enough they are gone, wait l have control of this dream? I tried to think of ink tangled in my strings, l look up and see that

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