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"Miguel." You said looking up at them. The man paused,
"Y/N?" He said leaning in a bit.
He slowly smiled the more he looked, noticing the little features in your face were the same ones he knew and grew to love.

"Y/N." He said with a warm smile. The corner of your mouth twitched as you began to smile. He wrapped his arms around you and smiled resting his head on top of yours.
"Man you have grown!" You said pushing him away to take a good look at his face.
"You almost look like your brother." You said with a grin. Miguel blushed, you weren't the only one who's said this to him.

You laughed, noticing how shy Miguel got. "Aw it's okay." You said, "I'm sure you'll end up better looking than him" You reassured him.
Miguel clicked his tongue rolling his eyes before looking at you with a smile. "Shut up." He said nudging you.

"Y/N!" Sofia yelled from a far. You and Miguel turned to see Sofia running up to you. She quickly stops where she is and blinks a couple of times in a row. You gave her a confused look as you called out her name seeing that she was scurrying back to where she was, walking past Camilo who stared at her with disappointment.

Did they walk here together?
Camilo follows behind Sofia calling out her name.
"What was that?" Miguel asked, looking down at you. "No clue." You said, shrugging your shoulders, "I've never seen Sofie like this." You said, "Wait no, back then she used to get like that when–" Your eyes went wide. "Oh." You said dragging the word.
"What?" Miguel questioned, "Nah she just gets like that when she's put in the spotlight." You lied.

"I should go check up on her." You turned to look at Miguel. "I'll be right back." You said starting to walk away. "W-Wait! Let me go with you!" Miguel grabbed your arm.

You were surprised, "Well, I don't know about that–" You got cut off, "She's my friend too." Miguel said. You could tell he was concerned. You gave in, "Okay, fine."

The two of you began to walk in the direction you saw Sofia go. Knowing her, she probably didn't go too far.


"Where is she?" You yelled, turning a corner.
"She couldn't have gone too far." Miguel said in a calm tone. "Here, let's split up." Miguel suggested, you nodded your head and went one direction while Miguel went in the other.


Camilo tried to calm Sofia down. "You were close!" Camilo said in hopes this would calm her down. "Ugh, I bet I looked so stupid right then and there." Sofia whined.
Camilo didn't know what to say, because she was right. "No you didn't." Camilo lied. "I don't know why I always freeze up when I see him." Sofia said as she talked with her hands.

"See who?" A voice said. Surprised Camilo and Sofia look up to see Miguel standing there. "Uh, um. Sorry, it's probably not my business to know." He stands scratching the back of his neck. "Are you okay?" He asked looking at Sofia, he squatted down next to her.

"You know, Y/N got pretty worried when you ran away like that." Miguel chuckled. He tried his best to calm her down, he didn't know what to say. Camilo stood behind Miguel. Sofia froze, she looked up at Camilo who was motioning his hands telling her to say something back.

Sofia blinked looking back down at Miguel. She took a deep breath in, then thought back to what Miguel had said, "You know, Y/N got pretty worried when you ran away like that."

"Y/N?" She said, "She was worried?"
Camilo in the background celebrated pumping his fist in the air as he mouthed, "Yeah!" and "Woo!" jumping over and over happy that she mustered up the courage to say something to her crush.

Miguel looked behind him at Camilo who was now leaning against the wall. He smiled nodding his head. Miguel slowly nodded his eyes looking back at Sofia.

"Where are they?" Sofia said, Miguel thought for a bit. "I'm not sure. Let me go find them, they are probably looking for me right now." Miguel started to get up. Camilo shoved his shoulders forcing him to sit on the ground. "No! It's okay." Camilo yelled. He cleared his throat, "I will go look for her. In the meantime calm Sofia down." Camilo said looking at Sofia was a death stare.

"O-Oh poor Y/N! What if she's lost!" Sofia started to cry again. Miguel freaked out; he stuttered as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Sofia tensed up. It was the best day of her life. Maybe she should try freaking out more often.

Camilo shapeshifted into Miguel as he went to search for you.

He went searching each street until he found you sitting on the edge of a fountain slouch over.

"Y/N?" He said walking up to you still as Miguel. Y/N looked up seeing what you thought was Miguel. "Miguel, did you find her? I'm starting to get worried." You said walking up to him.
"Um..." Camilo thought up a lie, "Camilo was already with her so I just left." He said looking down at Y/N. "You sound funny." You said reaching up to his forehead. Placing the back of your hand on his forehead and then both cheeks, you felt your own. "You feel fine... But your voice." You said pointing at your throat, "It doesn't sound like you." You said.

"Oh! About that, I was yelling Sofias name over and over before I found her so I'm sorry if my voice sounds different." Camilo lied. He nervously smiled at you.
Why was he lying to you? He thought as you sighed in relief. He could've easily just returned to his normal self but something in him told him to just stay as Miguel.

"Oh good." You said, "Once she's cooled down we can go check up on her. You remember where they were?" You asked "Miguel" who nodded at you. You nodded your head.

"So what should we do in the meantime?" You asked him. "We could go on a date?" He said leaning down to your height, he wriggled his eyebrows and blew you a kiss.
You laughed, "No, no thanks." You said, shaking your head. "Fine. Then..." He thought, "Maybe you and I could go on a walk? Just to pass the time by."
You thought about it, "It wouldn't hurt to kill time." You smiled.


Sofia sighed, she was running out of her dignity. "Hey you okay?" Miguel asked her gently, laying Sofia against the wall. His arms floated over her shoulders just in case something were to happen, he would be ready.

"I'm good." Sofia weakly said. "Not with that tone of voice." Miguel said, jutting out his bottom lip. Sofia sighed, how could she lie to someone like him? "I'm running out of courage." She admitted looking down at her lap. "Courage for what?" Miguel questioned. Sofias head snapped up looking Miguel dead in the eyes, he swallowed his spit. "Courage to talk to you!" She yelled soon regretting it when she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth. Now she's gone and done it.

"Well, you're talking to me perfectly fine now." Miguel smirked raising an eyebrow as Sofia blushed her lips parted.

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