Chapter 1

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(A/N: I never would've thought in a million years that I would write a fic in omega verse. But here we are. This is the result of shower thoughts. There's a flimsy, little plot that holds this badly written porn altogether. No specific timeline as the situation is that they're basically ambushed by a random gang and Takemichi's heat had hit him in the worst-case scenario and Sanzu was there to take care of him. Apologies in advance if there were inaccuracies in some of the terms and situations in this universe as this is the first time that I've written something on this matter. Sanzu was also a tricky character to write. But we can all agree that he's like a skittish, wild cat that's silently judging people and when he deems them to be worthy of his trust and respect then his loyalty will be with them forever. *coughs Mikey, coughs*. There will be explicit sexual content and if this is not your cup of tea or if it makes you uncomfortable then what're you doing here? Hit the back button right there to preserve your chastity. But if all is good from your end and you don't have any problems indulging in this kind sin and bad porn then go straight ahead and read it. Lastly, I don't own this franchise. Only this fic that reeks of sin and filth that'll probably send me to hell).

"Fuck, you're in heat." Sanzu stated eloquently, his fists clenched on his side as he stayed rooted on his spot inside the dilapidated room that they found around the city of Shibuya.

His eyes trained on Takemichi who was squirming uncomfortably on the bed.

"The pills...I swore I've taken them before...I'm always on time..." He gasped as he could feel the tremors wracking his body, the itching sensation and heat engulfing him rapidly.

"Didn't it occur to you that maybe you're an irregular?" Sanzu snarled under his mask.

Seriously? How short sighted this pathetic blond can be?

"W-what...?" Takemichi could've sworn that he always got it right. He always took his suppressants right on time. Regardless, if he was irresponsible, incompetent and hesitant on some things throughout his life, being always to manage his heats as an omega had always been on his mind and he swore to himself to have it under control.

Takemichi's mind was hazy but he tried to gather his remaining wits on his end on how it came to this point. He had always counted correctly in the calendar so why didn't he anticipated this unexpected heat that hit right through his body in a worst-case scenario?

He remembered lately that he'd been stress and anxious about his goal and mission of saving Draken from getting killed on the 3rd of August and preventing Kisaki from fully infiltrating Toman and manipulate Mikey and the rest of the members into his own plan of making it a syndicate and crime organization in the future. He'd noticed a time when there's a missed period on his heat.

It didn't come or suffused his whole body.

Takemichi chalked it up to maybe it's one of the side effects from taking suppressants for a long period of time.

How utterly wrong he was.

He belatedly realized that due to the pressure, stress and high anxiety that he felt during the past few weeks, it affected the cycle in his body and of course his own heat. It reacted instinctively and put a temporary stoppage to the natural phenomena of his own dynamic as an omega. It's that one missed cycle and a minor wrong conclusion that had now led him to this.

If not for Mikey's quick response and alarming reaction earlier, he honestly didn't know if he can survive that gang fight without being mauled by those bloodthirsty alphas...

"Takemitchy!" He barely heard Mikey's yelling from a distance, but he could see his wide eyes and slightly panicked face as he realized something while he was giving a roundhouse kick to one of his opponents who tried to land a punch on him.

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