Chapter 2

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(A/N: Welcome to the last chapter of this terribly written porn. I'd like to greet the fandom with an explosive Happy New Year from our sensational Santake couple. Enjoy this one while the ride lasts).

Upon reaching the room of the private inn that Mucho provided them, Sanzu kicked the door closed and backed Takemichi against the wall and kissed him ferociously, his tongue plundering inside his mouth and explored the deepest interiors of his cavity wildly.

Takemichi whimpered and moaned salaciously against his mouth, his arms wrapping around his neck and his legs snaking around his waist firmly for support. During their ride earlier at the car going to the private inn, Takemichi could already feel the hot and fiery sensation that's engulfing his whole body slowly from the oncoming of his own heat. Sanzu was not any better as he was slowly getting affected as well judging by the darkening of his eyes and the beads of sweat running down his temple despite the air conditioner being turned on fully.

Their heat and rut had hit them like a freight of train upon reaching their location and they jumped into each other's bones like horny rabbits upon finally going inside their designated room.

Sanzu's hands landed on Takemichi's hips, caressing and kneading it seductively until his grip on them tightened automatically and his actions grew rougher and possessive.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Takemichi pulled away to catch his breath, his pupils were blown wide with lust and his lips were red and shiny from the thorough kissing that he received from Sanzu. The other didn't waste his time as he latched into his neck and licked and kissed at the pale column of his throat that made Takemichi shuddered and trembled sweetly against his arms.

"Ngh... Sanzu-kun... Please..." Takemichi mewled helplessly like a kitten as he carded his hands on his roseate locks and kneaded his scalp gently.

"Please what hmm?" Sanzu continued his ministrations as one of his hands grew bolder and travelled along his chest and pinched one of his sensitive nipples teasingly that made the blond moaned wantonly against his arms.

"Fuck me now... please... I want your knot in me..." Takemichi replied beseechingly, tears of pleasure started to stream down his cheeks.

A devious smirk formed on Sanzu's lips as he looked at the enticing figure in front of him. "Hmm? I didn't quite catch it properly. If you beg properly with that pretty little voice of yours then maybe, I'll reconsider." He whispered entrancingly as he licked at the shell of his ear that made the blond shake like a leaf on his arms.

Takemichi realized that Sanzu had a sadistic streak sometimes and likes to see him crying and pleading like this. Maybe in another time... he would've indulged him in his fantasies... but not this time around. His inner omega was demanding and thrashing within him to be claimed and satisfied properly and not to entertain the alpha's whims and wants.

He needed to get a reaction out of him even if he would traipse on a dangerous ground right now.

"If you won't give me your knot then maybe I'll just find another alpha to—."

Takemichi couldn't finish his sentence when he was suddenly hauled away from the wall and was thrown into the mattress like a ragdoll that earned him a little squeal slipping past his lips. He was about to complain when his words died on his throat upon meeting Sanzu's intense stare that seemed to swallow him whole. He had an alluring yet dangerous expression on his face.

"I'm not going to let you be with another alpha got it? Because right now, I'll show you that I'm the only who can claim and satisfy you like this." Sanzu growled lightly as he shed off his clothes one by one to reveal those chiseled abs and well sculpted body that made Takemichi's throat dry and heart speeding up inside his chest erratically. The lust and hunger overtaking his mind and body as his thoughts were only filled with the hot, itching need to be claimed by him.

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