Chapter Four

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I open my eyes to the sound of Harry’s quiet breathing as i watch his chest rise and fall. His arm is wrapped around me and my face is against the crook of his neck. I’m surprised that Harry stayed all night but I'm glad he did. I don’t have the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore and i hope that it doesn’t return. 

Harry starts to move and i lean up in the hope not to wake him but i fail. His eyes flutter open and he seems confused at first until he realises where he is. 

“Hey.” I never thought that i would find someones voice attractive but the way his voice just cracked in a soft husky way made my stomach flutter. 

“Hi. I’m sorry i didn’t mean to wake you.” I say quietly. 

“Its okay. How are you?” He asks sitting up as well, i move over a little bit to give him some space. 

“Good. Thank you again.” 

“Its fine Maddi.” He grabs his phone from the bedside table and his eyebrows furrow as he reads over a message. 

“I have to go.” He tells me as he gets up from the bed. I hadn’t realised until now that he is only wearing briefs and a shirt and I can’t help my eyes from traveling down to his backside as he bends over to pull his jeans on. 

“Stop staring at my ass.” Harry chuckles turning around to face me. 

“I wasn’t.” I say all too quickly. 

“Don’t lie,” He winks.

“I’d be checking out your ass too if you were bending over in front of me.” He finishes. I laugh as he picks up his phone, wallet and keys from my bedside table. Im happy that it isn’t awkward this morning between Harry and I. Maybe he isn’t as bad as i thought he was. 

“Are you going to be okay?” He asks. 

“Yeah ill be fine.” I just needed the time to get Jesse out of my mind for a while so i had the chance to calm my nerves. 

“I saved my number in your phone if you need anything.” He waves as he shuts the door behind him. 

I climb out of bed and walk over over to the mirror and its like shock horror. I can believe Harry could keep a straight face whilst looking at me. I have make-up smudged under my red puffy eyes and my hair is like a birds nest. 

“Train wreck.” I say out loud. 

“Who are you talking to?” Casey laughs as he walks through the door, Liam following behind her.

“No one.” I try and laugh it off but Liam and her just look at me like I'm crazy. 

“Have you not heard of a shower, or face wipes or maybe even a hairbrush?” Casey laughs.

“Shut up! I know I'm a mess so I'm going to go take a shower.” I laugh along with her taking another look at the horrid state I'm in at the moment. 

“Careful! We just saw Harry in the hallway, he must be getting it on with that brunette again.” I decide not to tell her that Harry was in fact leaving here as i don’t feel like explaining what lead to him staying here right now. 

“Well ill be back in a bit!” I wave after i grab some fresh clothes and my shampoo and face wash. 

M thoughts are everywhere but here with me in the shower as i think about the events from the past 24 hours. I wonder how long it will be until  i see Jesse agains hopefully not for a while but who knows. I wonder how long until i see Harry again, hopefully sometime soon. I don't know why I'm so interested in Harry after not knowing him for that long but he's addicting in a way. I crave to hear the flirty comments that fall from his mouth.

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