Chapter Three

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The rest of the week couldn't of gone any quicker. Casey and I are getting ready for the party tonight as Zayn is picking me up in an hour.

"Madz, does this look okay?" Casey says pointing to her outfit.

"It looks great Case. What about me?" Im wearing a black shift dress that is quite short and some red heels.

"You always look babein'." Im starting to feel nervous about tonight, its been a while since i have been to a big house party. Im just about finished doing my make-up when i get a text from Zayn that says he's two minutes away.

"Im going to go down and wait for Zayn, i'll meet you there yeah?" I say to Casey.

"Ill text you when i get there." She waves as i close the door behind me.

"Wow." Zayn smiles looking me up and down. I feel a blush creep its way onto my cheeks and i look away from his gaze.

"You look amazing." He opens the car door for me and i thank him.

"The party is about twenty minutes away." He explains.

"Who's party is it anyway?" I realise i probably should of asked this before now.

"Some guy named Jake or something. I don't know him, my friends just told me about the party and it sounded like fun ya know?" I nod at him. We talk aimlessly during the rest of the drive and I'm glad that it isn't awkward. We end up having to park down the street because there are so many cars out the front of the house.

I feel Zayn's hand on my lower back as we walk through the crowed of people standing on the front lawn.

"Did you have friends coming?" Zayn asks as we make our way inside.

"Yeah, they are going to text me when they get here."

"oh okay sweet. Well i have a few friends inside that i can introduce you to."

"Sounds good." I nod.

We get pushed and shoved by dancing people as we walk through the house. It is a beautiful home, more like a mansion really.

"Do you want a drink?" Zayn hands me a red cup and i thank him.

My phone vibrates in my hand, its a text from Casey.

Hey, We are running a little late, be there as soon as we can! x

"You okay?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, um my friends are running late."

"C'mon, i'll introduce you to some people, they are out the back." I down my drink and get another one before we continue to walk through the house until we reach the backyard. It's absolutely chaotic with people scattered everywhere.

Music is blasting through my ears and i watch people dancing along to it.

"They are just over there!" Zayn points over to a group of people sitting around and on a large table.

"Hey guys this is Maddi!" Zayn waves to them before pointing to me. I smile as i look around the group but my eyes lock with one person in particular, the last person i ever wanted to see.

We both stare at each other, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. My legs feel weak as i look at the one person i never wanted to see again. I want to pull my eyes from his but I'm frozen in place.

"Its been a while Maddi," I gasp at the sound of his voice.

"What is this huh? You show up here with Zayn after i haven't seen you in like six months?" He stands up and i shy away.

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