Chapter 22

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Warning... you have been warned

Massachusetts - August 12, 1676

I was off at my colony in Plymouth. We have gained some Indian allies to help us in this war. Both Connecticut and Rhode Island have both been brought into this war. Papa was coming over today along with Connecticut and Rhode. I was just waiting by my house for them to arrive here.

I was sitting on a chair near a window, looking out into the forest that blocked my colony from the others. I soon heard a knock at my door. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it. I found papa and my two other brothers standing there. I stepped to the side allowing them to come in. I found each of them with their muskets by their sides with a cartridge bag on them.

"You ready?" Papa asked with a grim expression on his face.
I nodded, then walked over to my table and picked up my musket and cartridge bag that was resting on it. We all then walked over to the nearby posts that held our horse, got on and rode over to a crowd of natives and colonist. They were all armed and prepared to fight. Once everyone was ready and set we started to head off.

We were going to one of Metacom's camps. A native that was converted to Christianity a while ago was leading us to him. The natives name was... John Alderman? Yeah, John Alderman. Him and Captain Benjamin Church and Josiah Standish were in charge of this little event. Our plan was to set up a trap for Metacom and his men.

We walked on for a while, mile after mile. I was filled with anxiety and anticipation as we moved further and further along. I could tell my siblings were feeling the same way considering their expressions showed the same amount of worry. Suddenly we stopped.

My heart skipped a beat. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. We all got down from our horses and readied our guns. We slowly and cautiously walked past a few trees until John stopped. He crouched down and pointed to a native man. There was a group of natives surrounding him. I assumed that this man was Metacom, which means a fight was coming.

We all prepared ourselves, we loaded our muskets. Then jumped out at the natives. I fired at a few, my initial intent was to scare the natives, but I soon saw that this wouldn't work. Soon enough we had rounded up all the natives, they were trapped. Metacom was brought out and I heard a faint click. Oh no...


The once standing Metacom fell to the ground. I looked to see who had fired, it was... John? I could imagine some of the angry colonist, but John? I shook the thought aside as I returned my attention to Metacom, who was now resting in a pool of blood. Captain Church came up and... well, he decapitated him.

I wanted to puke so badly, I looked over at Connecticut and Rhode. Rhode looked pale at the sight, and Connecticut was turning green. I couldn't blame them, it was an... interesting sight. I was even more disgusted to find out that the head was sold to the Plymouth Colony for 30 shillings. These people were extremely messed up...

I was relieved when we were finally able to head home, I honestly didn't really feel like seeing anyone else decapitated. My thoughts soon switched though to another question. What comes next? The natives have lost their leader. Do they continue fighting or surrender?

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