The King of Liyue has been sick for a while, it was tough for Alatus-the crown prince, to keep up with having to train and learn how to be the next ruler of their country.
One normal day, in the middle of his training, a mysterious woman seem to be...
Hello everyone 😁😁😁😁🤨🤨🤨🙄🙄 I would like to promote my new one shot fic 😁😁😁😆😆😆😆 #InstaBaddie
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I worked rly hard on it, hey, just working, working hard so I can please you
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Pls read it or else... 😈😈😈 *shows true form turns into a alpha girlboss hybrid unicorn demonic* you don't wanna taste the pain 🥰
Ok but let's be serious I apologize for not uploading on this story for a while, just so you know I didn't drop this story okay⁉🤨 I have many more plans for it
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I was just writing that new one shot fic story ahshahsa. I'm sorry for taking too long 😞😞 I might take a two days or three days break and I will continue writing this story again‼‼😈😈😈😈
And pls don't worry about asking me when I will be uploading again bcs that doesn't pressure me at all, instead, it gives me motivation to keep writing, thinking that hey oh my lord ppl was rly into the story that they can't wait for the next part, and it makes me really proud of myself so keep doing that 😈😈😈