Chapter 310

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Chapter 310 "No Mistake"

After hearing the faint lazy voice coming from his back, the Glass Dragon immediately issued out a roar at the ants below. His eyes radiating a bloodthirst that made no attempt at hiding his intent to kill, which directly sent the king going numb in the feet.

"You... are Miss Bai Yan of the Liu Huo Kingdom correct?"

An ugly huge dragon carrying a stunning red woman as well as a delicate looking young child of no older than five....

The answer was self evident in front of such a combination.

"Dragon, kill them for me!" Acting as if unable to hear that question, Bai Yan gives out her order using that chilling voice filled with murderous intent.

"Wait-wait-wait!" Wiping that sweat from his forehead, Fu Tian Qi (king) hurries to ask with that awkward smile of his: "Miss Bai Yan, is there some sort of misunderstanding between us? Why the need for such a big commotion?"

"There is no misunderstanding, whoever tries to stop me from taking back my phoenix today will be faced with death!" Indifferent in her attitude, the woman's demeanor was tyrannical and overbearing, strangely similar to Di Cang's when he demands his way.

"Phoenix? What phoenix? How come I don't know anything about this?"

Turning around in great rage, Fu Tian Qi roars out at the group of masters coming to protect him: "Which of you stole the lady's phoenix? Return it this instant do you hear me!"

Exchanging an odd look between themselves, it was a sky class master among this group who worked up the courage to speak. Though he was technically speaking, it was still more like a squeamish buzz similar to that of a mosquito:

"Your Majesty, not long ago we did capture a phoenix at Princess Bao Yun's order, but it was in order to tame so she can offer it to you."


Stumbling backwards due to the shocking revelation, Fu Tian Qi (king) took quite the effort there in order to not faint to the ground. Even so, what's left on that already ghastly face now was despair and fear.

It's over!

That idiot Fu Bao Yun! It was already bad enough she injured Dong Roulan and tried to force Lan Xiaoyun into becoming a concubine, now she also captured a phoenix behind everyone's back?!

How can there be such a stupid person in this world? Why!!! Why must she be part of the royal household!!!!

"What are you all still standing there for? Go and release the lady's phoenix this instant!" Spewing fire from his eyes, the king was literally screaming in his voice.

Despite the direct order, these people only stood there in hesitation because they know what the consequences will be if they freed the fire phoenix. Injured all over from their tortures, it be strange if things ends brightly for their side!

Every person had their limits and Bai Yan's was at hers in terms of patience by this point. Wrinkling her brow, she gives a direct order to the Glass Dragon: "Dragon, flatten the palace. I don't care if you have to dig three feet into the ground, I want to see my phoenix by the end of this day!"

Her son can only give an approximate location of the intended target, meaning she only knows Redsy was somewhere in this area; otherwise, Bai Yan wouldn't even bother to waste time here dealing with these fools. And since these people here wouldn't cooperate, her recourse can only be to flatten the entire palace to look. Brutish and inefficient, but it works.

"Pleas wait, Miss Bai Yan, please give me a minute! I will have your phoenix out here very soon!" Scared to the point where his handsome face was now green, Fu Tian Qi (king) grew angrier than ever: "It seems you people aren't going to obey me today. Fine, I will go call my father the former king to order you people instead!"

Going white in their faces, these masters can only do as told when the king was willing to go that far. There's not a doubt left in these peoples mind that it's over today.

"You people should pray that my phoenix is unharmed. If I find any injury on her, I won't know what sort of things I would do then."

Shaking hard inside, the king now realizes the order might not have the best of his choices today. Sadly for him, Fu Bao Yun just had to interject herself in this crucial timing after climbing up from the ground.

Maybe the abhorrent woman was still stuck in a daze like state after being kicked, but her words was no different from adding fuel to a fire: "Who dares to take my stuff! So what if that phoenix was taken by me? The creature is but a prize Dong Roulan got after selling her body to another man. I'm telling you now, once its inside the Dong House then its mine, mine you hear me?!"