Chapter 376

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Chapter 376 "The End of the Bai House (1)"

"If I say I only discovered him by accident, would you believe me?" Making an incredible smile, Di Cang was unconvincing in the least.

Towards that obvious lie, Bai Yan could only stay silent while pursing her lips. In truth, she had no way to be certain about it in light of that sneaky tone because she too only noticed that extra scene in the sky after being kissed.

"Godfather! Are you here to see me and Mother?" Unlike his parents, each having contrasting views on Chu Yi Feng's entry, Bai Xiachen on the other hand was ecstatic at the man's appearance.

Showing a faintish smile that could drown out the toughest lady, the man remains as surreal as ever: "Yes, I couldn't be at ease about your mother, that's why secretly tagged along from behind."

Now that didn't sit well with Di Cang at all. Tightening his grasp around his woman, he puts on a possessive stance like a dog protecting their bone: "My wife has no need for others to protect her. I can do that just fine."

This always overbearing, always tyrannical, always dominant man can listen to her every whim, the only exception being something like this where he's supposed to let go!

In response to that clinginess, well, there wasn't any response from Chu Yi Feng at all, not to the public's eye anyways. However, if one investigated closer, they would certainly notice the tiny tinge of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

"Even if Yan Yan rejected me, I am still her godbrother. I have an obligation to protect her for that alone."

In the picturesque man's view, the man found no shame in being rejected, hence the reason why the crowd would break out into a rousing stir at his words.

If earlier Bai Zhi were only jealous and hateful of her half-sister, then right now she was most definitely overwhelmed with a crazed madness in her eyes. That can easily be discerned by the droplets of blood slowly seeping out of the corner of her mouth due to the immense pressure her jaws were making against her gums.

But the girl didn't exactly have time to be doing something like that now would she?

Stiffening in her back, the deceitful bitch rigidly turns around following the realization of an intense glare shooting her way.

It was Lu Zifeng's....

That's right, the man whom she sought out as her guardian angel was now currently being drowned out in all sorts of emotions now that the truth's come foward. There's shock, there's anger, but there's more of a disbelieving factor than the rest because the man finally discovered how foolish he's been due to his blind belief in love. For that, the consequences were being expelled from the Holy Land.

And the most ironic part of it all wasn't just that, it's the fact that even till the end, he only had the notion of trying to come up with an excuse to help Bai Zhi escape.....

Painfully closing his eyes, Lu Zifeng could no longer deny his mistake.

Of course, there's bound to be those who couldn't accept their faults even to the end. Take Nangong Yi for example. Curling into a fetus position in one corner of the stage, all the while forgotten by the rest, he looks up towards the brilliant woman using those contrite eyes of his.

This woman should've been my wife! If not for Bai Ruo scheming to make her pregnant before our marriage, things never would've come to this! By then, supreme glory and limitless prestige would've been mine!

Yet... I mistook a pearl for a piece of deadwood, I missed such a great woman.....

"Ahumph," Zheng Qi (First Elder) abruptly interrupts the mood with his cough, "Young Lord, let's leave the young people stuff for later tonight shall we? I believe the first order of business is to settle the scores for my disciple less we let the world believe our Holy Land's member is easily pushed around."

Despite that faint nod from Chu Yi Feng, the picturesque man never once removed his gaze from Bai Yan's figure. It's as if his eyes could only accommodate her in this world....

"Oh right," Ren Yi (Second Elder) frowned, "We had someone go tell Bai Zheng Xiang to crawl over here to meet his end, why isn't that person here yet?"