Chapter 347

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Chapter 347 "The Knot inside Bai Yan's Heart (1)"

"And what if Mother is unwilling?"

It's pretty apparent Bai Xiachen was tempted by the proposal. In his youthful heart, the boy was thinking that by being strong, he could help fight back his baddie father whenever his mother was in distress. Of course, this sort of scheme remains hidden from Di Cang's eyes. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean this demon lord doesn't have his own sinister plans in mind.

"Whether or not you can convince your mother will depend on your ability."

In order to chase after his wife, the poor man have quite literally used everything within his means. Now to have a son at his disposal, why wouldn't he use him?

"Baddie Father, will mother be in danger if she goes to the Demon Realm?" Wrinkling his cute little brows, the baby boy was all innocent with those big blue eyes.

"No, I won't let anyone hurt her," rubbing his son's head, Di Cang reaffirms his stance.

"Okay, I can help you Baddie Father. Just.... if Mother doesn't want to go, you can't force her okay?"

Looking at the little guy's protective appearance, Di Cang could no longer keep up his usual deadpan face. Making a smirk of arrogance: "If I wanted to force her then she would've been in the Demon Realm by now."

"Hmmm, alright then Baddie Father. But first I'm hungry." Rubbing his belly, the baby boy peers up at his old man with anticipation in those eyes: "Do you know how to cook?"

In response to this question, Di Cang can only say he's getting dark lines running through his face. "There are cooks in the estate."

Hanging his disappointed head down, Bai Xiachen lays out the truth of his predicament: "I only like Mother's cooking. Because of how busy she's been lately, I couldn't have anything good to eat. I'm hungry.... Oh! Maybe I should look for Godfather, maybe he will know how to cook for me."

"No!" Snatching his son before he could go anywhere, Di Cang inhales deeply like he just accepted his fate: "Alright, I will personally cook for you!"

Smiling gleefully in the face after getting his way, Bai Xiachen excitedly ran ahead of his old man to hide that cunning smirk of his from view. Let's see you bully Mother again in the future!

For this careless demand, the ones to suffer the most had to be the members of the Dong House. They couldn't sleep, not even for a minute due to the unnerving sounds of explosion from their kitchen. Then when Old Lord Dong went to investigate, the poor old man was immediately stopped at the entrance by the ferocious looking Glass Dragon....

Next day morning, the disturbance has finally ceased from the epicenter.

Firstly was Di Cang coming out of the kitchen. As usual, he remains as impeccable as ever without a spec of dust on his body. The same clean robe of black from yesterday. The same meticulously groomed hair of silvery shade. If anything, he was even more attractive after working all night.

As for the baby boy who went in with him, Bai Xiachen on the other hand wasn't so fortunate. He was full of grievance in his expression when coming out. The reason? Well, considering how dirty his face was - covered in soot and dust - its no wonder he be unhappy.

"Mother!" The little steam bun immediately cried out the second he noticed the familiar figure of his mother. Crashing into those welcoming arms, the boy nearly allowed his tears to flow out in that moment.

"Mother, I missed you so much...."

I really miss your Dongpo meat, braised pork knuckle, and salt baked chicken....

"Hmm? How did you end up like this?" Seeing how dirty his son was, Bai Yan inexplicably furrowed her brow in response: "Did you two go overboard last night in the kitchen?"

Tugging at his mother's sleeve in a pitiful manner, "Baddie Father specifically went into the kitchen to learn how to cook for you. You must accept it okay?"

In order to improve my strength, in order to protect Mother, I'm sorry Sister Yi Yi, I can only commit mutiny.

"Okay my son."

Seeing the state of her son's face, Bai Yan can only agree wholeheartedly to the point where she completely missed the strangeness in the boy's tune.