Chapter 352

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Chapter 352 "Endure? (2)"

"Oh Xiachen, I missed you to death! Where have you been during these past couple of days? I went to your house before but your auntie there said you were away."

"I went out with my mother. So Xiaopeng (chubby), what are you and Uncle doing here?" Blinking his big brilliant eyes, the baby boy innocently asks without realizing he just hit a landmine.

"I heard the people of the Holy Land came to our city. I and my father are going there to see...."

"Ahumph!" Coughing hard and loud to stop his son from making the situation even more awkward, Wang Deqiu carefully eyes the woman for signs of anger. "Miss Bai Yan, I'm sure you've heard of the matter with the Holy Land already. So I like to ask, do you know about the Bai House getting on the good side of that power?"

Still smiling on her face, Bai Yan didn't mind the carelessness of the child at all: "It seems that everyone knows already."

"This..." As awkward as it was, Wang Deqiu nevertheless lays down his support, "I know I can't help you much at all, but I do have a lot of money. If you and the Bai House are going to confront each other then I can support your side financially."

When saying that, the poor greedy man was quite hurting inside that his heart nearly stopped pumping.

He's a businessman in and out. So what's the biggest concern for his kind? Of course its benefits! To provide funding without any monetary gain in return, how can he be fine still!

"But..." Deliberately lowering his voice: "I suggest you not clash with the Bai House for now. First bide your time until the dust settles. After all, they have the Holy Land on their side. Endure it for now."

Seeing the kind man's cautious appearance, Bai Yan didn't have the heart to reject the suggestion and went with the flow. "Okay, I understand."

Getting the answer that he hoped for, the greedy merchant couldn't be happier: "You are young anyways, there's bound to be other opportunities around. And if you can somehow catch their fancy, you might even be able to become a core disciple of the Holy Land."

The structural layout of the Holy Land was divided into the outer circle, inner circle, and core circle. Though the one coming to oversee the recruitment process wasn't a core disciple, he's still an inner circle member, making him a person with a lot of weight nevertheless.

Of course, for someone like Bai Yan who doesn't belong to any of the mentioned groups above, it just goes to show how special her existence was within the Holy Land....

Caressing her chin in thought, Bai Yan then snorted in amusement: "Is there anything else? If not then we will first take our leave."

"Oh wait, there is one more thing I need to tell you." First sweeping his gaze around for signs of others, Wang Deqiu then went ahead to speak in a whispering voice after confirming there's no eavesdroppers: "According to a reliable source of mine, the elders of the Holy Land is also coming. If Miss Bai Yan you are willing to endure for the next couple of days, I'm sure you would be able to catch their fancy by using your means. When that occurs, what else do you have to fear?"

Ahaheumppp! Coughing hard at the last part of that sentence, Bai Yan couldn't resist making a strange face at that statement.

"Miss Bai Yan, you mustn't misunderstand me. I am not telling you to do what you have in mind.... I am referring to your alchemic skills. If you show it off in front of the elders then I'm sure one of them will be captured by your talent and take you in."

Heaving a long sigh, Wang Deqiu really had to hand it to the Bai House. Nangong Lin's secret had only recently been exposed before the world, now they are already making waves across the kingdom after a couple of days...

Isn't the deities being too gracious towards them?

"Thank you for your kindness." Twitching in her mouth, Bai Yan didn't have the heart to burst the man's bubble, "I understand."

"It's good that you are heeding my advice. With your strength and talent, I'm sure you would eventually become an overlord of a faction." Bellowing out a laugh, the man was clueless on his own ignorance the entire way.