Chapter 4: 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜

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Lana's POV:

I walk into the castle and the first thing I see is a Hunk waiting with in his other form(Brown hair at his roots that fades to yellow). He looks up at me and probably noticed I was crying because he comes up and hugs me. I hug back holding on tightly and feel Amethyst rub against my leg. After a minute I let go and look at Hunk.
"They're all waiting in the control center." He says bending down and petting Amethyst. I take a deep breath and nod. He stands up and nods back at me. He starts walking to the control center, Me just a few steps behind. We stopped right in front of the doors and took a glance at eachother. He gives me a reassuring smile and Amethyst snuggles against my leg. I give a sad smile and push the doors open.

No ones POV:

Lana opened the doors and all of the teams worried and confused eyes darted to them. Well Allura and Coran were still slightly confused on the situation. All they were told is that Lana and Hunk had used a spell. Which was basically normal for them, They were aliens and Allura used magic all the time.

They walked in and there was a silence, no one knew what to truly say to the two. But Shiro broke it.
"Okay.. We're all confused. I think we should start with this... What are you two?" He asked and the others nodded. Lana and Hunk gave eachother knowing looks.

"I think you'll want to sit down for this one.." Hunk said and the other paladins took a seat somewhere. Hunk, knowing Lana just wanted to get this over with, looked at her and gave a 'go ahead, you got this' look. Lana nodded and turned to the other paladins.
"So um.. Earlier, I did something that wasn't normal. And it's obvious you want an explanation of what happened.." She glanced up from the ground she was staring at to see the team nodding.
"Well to be straight forward,.. I'm a witch and Hunk is a warlock.."

The team all stopped and stared. Besides Allura and Coran.
"I and Hunk were born into a magical family. As you know of the stories of people killing other who had been put under the name witch, Witches aren't accepted on earth, along with warlocks. So my and Hunks kinda hide who we are. And before you get disgusted or something, please just think about it" Lana finished her explanation in a slight hurry, tears filling her eyes but none escaping just yet. Everyone was stunned. But the first to snap out of it, Keith, looked at the others contemplating. He looked at Lana, He could see the few tears beginning to spill from her eyes,another every other second. This hit him right in the heart, Mustering up enough courage, he stood and went up front with Lana and Hunk. Preferably standing infront of Hunk.

Lana notices him and began to cry just a little harder. It would hurt so much more since it would be Keith, Her current crush, to say it. And just as she was getting ready to be shunned...

She was pulled into a tight embrace. Eyes widening, She looked to the person who had done it. Keith Kogane.

"W-Wha- Keith-"

"Lana, Your still the same person you've always been. No matter where you came from, You're still Lana. And anyone who dared to judge you on that would be a dumbass. That goes for you to Hunk. " Keith said and a stern voice. This made Lana break down, Right in Keith's arms. He pulled her closer and put her head in his shoulder. Her arms instantaneously wrapped around his shoulders holding him tighter.

"Whatever you are is fine with me, Lana is Lana. And Hunk is Hunk. You've always were witches and warlocks we just didn't know. So why would that change just cause we did know" Pidge said and got up to hug Hunk. While Hunk thought he was doing good not crying about the situation, he immediately started balling as soon as she hugged him.

"What they said were right, Even though we don't really understand, You two are exactly the same as before." Allura said and joined in the hugging along with Shiro.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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