Ch 2-Morningtide and Morrigan

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I'm Captain Jupiter Amantius North. You can call me Jupiter for short. And I had come to take Morrigan to the Hotel Deucalion, for her trials for the Wondrous Society. I had been at a party in Jet-Jax-Jaida; I was late. Right, back to the story. 

"Sorry I'm late. Was at a party. Completely forgot about the time difference. Wow! That's some lovely parsnips you've got there." I took one and popped it into my mouth. 

Morrigan turned around and asked me, "Um. Who are you?". 

'Jupiter. Jupiter North. Your patron?'I wavered.  She stared at me as if it were a prank. 'No. You don't understand. Today's my birthday.'

Yes, I knew that. I was a Witness! 

'Well then. Happy Birthday. We have to leave. You've packed your bags?'  

She stammered, 'Bags? I'm cursed. I am going to die at midnight tonight.' 

I knew that as well! 'But you signed the contract?'

"I burnt it. I'm worthless. I am not going to live past this day. I'm sorry."

I was worried. She did sign the contract, right? 'Well, that explains the singed edges. It doesn't matter that you burnt it. It's a Wundrous contract.' I looked at her and said 'Who says you're going to die? You don't have to die if you don't want to. Do you want to live?'

'Now, that's enough! Who do you think you are, barging into my home and upsetting my family?'Corvus Crow seemed to have regained his voice. 'I told you who I am. I am Jupiter North, Morrigan's patron.'

 'You are nobody's patron! Now leave at once and let us mourn the death of my daughter in peace.', he barked. Mourn the death of his daughter?! 'Mourn the death of your daughter?, I shouted, furious. 'How can you say that when she is right in front of us, wonderfully, brilliantly alive?'

I could've gone on arguing forever, but we were running out of time. 'Morrigan, do you want to live? It matters. It's the only thing that does.' 

'Yes, of course I want to live!'

'Good choice. Death is boring. Life is much more fun. Things happen all the time. Unexpected things. Things you would never expect because... they're so very unexpected. For example, I don't believe you expected your so-called death to arrive three hours early', I said looking out of the window, at the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow. 

Ok. Let's skip to the interesting bit. Morrigan and I jumped into Octavia and went through the Sky-faced Clock to Nevermoor. Phil, the border guard, asked for Morrigan's papers. Oh right. Those. Well, let's just say he let us in. No need to know about the papers. They're not important. Definitely not.

I had to get to the Hotel Deucalion for the Morningtide tradition. Morrigan and I got there very quickly. We were greeted by Fen, the head of housekeeping and a Magnificat. 'I see you've brought my breakfast.'

'Haha. Very funny, Fen.'

Don't ask. I don't know how she does the dusting! No opposable thumbs. While climbing the stairs, up to the lobby,'Fen? What is that?', Morrigan wanted to know. 'Yes, Fen. Short for Fenestra. She's a Magnificat', I replied. 'That's not a Magnificat.' 

'What do you mean? Of course she's a Magnificat.'

'It's not-'


'Fine. She's not a Magnificat. Magnificats are black and shiny and have nose studs-' 

'Shush. Don't let Fen hear you. Fen is a Magnificat. Now, don't dawdle. We have only a few minutes.'

We headed up the elevator, with Kedgeree and Martha, and to the rooftop party. And I had almost forgotten Morrigan's gift- the black oilskin umbrella. I handed it to her. She looked like she'd never been given a gift before! Wait, was that the Iguanarama band playing? I'd asked Frank to book Lizamania. A quarter of the price! Never mind, we were just in time for the Morningtide tradition. Jumping off the rooftop.

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