Chapter 8

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When i awoke the next morning, that's when everything came crashing down on me, the realization. My phone buzzed alerting me of the several missed messages and phone calls,from each of the boys attempting to explain to you the situation.

However, I ignored them. It felt super uneasy to you, everything about Tate did. She was practically the Disney villain to your fairytale. There was no need to throw herself at your boyfriend of all people. The worst part is you probably would have gotten a long well if it wasn't for her actions.

Just thinking about it resurfaced the anger that was built up inside me, I sighed resting my head against a pillow looking up at the ceiling. It seemed as if a thousand thoughts swarmed your thoughts eating you up inside. The urge pulling at me as I grabbed my phone but, not for the right reason.

Immediately a text from Zach caught your attention, her full name. 'Tate Dahl' the name on your tongue like poison, your fingers grazing across the keyboard. Just like magic...well the internet was magic I guess, everything came to light. What hurt even more was seeing photos of her and Jonah together.

You knew Jonah would never cheat on you but due to some chiramstanss, investigating to make sure was in order. You read through ever article, every word, every image as long as she was present in it all you saw it. However a certain article crossed your path.

They have been broken up for awhile now and apparently they both have started seeing someone new, maybe I was something is off. What ex would throw themselves at someone's boyfriend like that, especially if she knew his girlfriend was standing right there whitniisng every moment. Was it to make me jealous?

You threw your phone onto the bed sighing in defeat, honestly now you felt worse. I didn't let anyone explain anything further and I wouldn't even let them. Most importantly I left Jonah feeling like he messed everything up..but then again none of this was real but it still hurt.

Crazy right? I guess I was really beginning to fall for him, I mean what wasn't there to like he was the perfect definition of a perfect man, I knew no one was perfect but Jonah was the closet to perfect alive. It felt right being with him but so wrong because it was fake. You were two different people on two totally different levels.

When you two were together it didn't feel like that, it felt more like you understood one another more than you understood both of yourselves, after all this thinking you knew what you had to do now.

You sighed reaching for your phone scrolling through each text, lifting the phone to your ear to process each voicemail. It seemed everything was a little bit clear now. She was his ex who decided it would be, in her words "funny" to mess with the both of us.

How was that funny? She ruined our chance of ever having a friendship and at the same time almost ruined you and Jonah, you just knew you had to seek revenge however not now, you had to get ready to face the boys.

Everything in me screamed that I should wait a bit and just sulk in bed with a tub of ice cream but another part of me knew what i had to do.
I quickly got ready sending a quick text to Jonah before leaving.

"Well if all else fails i'm coming for you tub of ice cream in the freezer" I joked shutting the door. At this moment I dragged. If a sloth was known as the slowest animal on earth, well I beat that record I was even slower.

I was thinking of every practical way I could put run this whole thing, maybe I didn't have to face Jonah and he'd still forgive me. It just felt so right at the time of all the conjured up thoughts to avoid him it almost got the better of me.

A few hours had passed, literally you were that slow but anyways, there he was seated right in front of me. He was talking but all I could manage to hear was the thumping of my heart beat ringing in my ears.

I sighed reaching for his hand "Jonah"I whispered under my breath, I didn't know who was watching and at this point I didn't care who was but, I didn't want to ruin his publicity someone was bound to make a headline about it if I spoke to loud.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that yesterday, I was just so upset I didn't know what to do so I did the best that I could do, walk away" I spoke meeting his chocolate brown orbs.

He only smiled which made me feel the familiar butterflies erupting in my stomach, I guess that wasn't some figurative language they told you in school, you could actually feel butterflies in your stomach the fluttering feeling of, love.

It was him who made me feel like this but even after all this, would he still want to be with me?

My thoughts were interrupted as his voice drowned out every racing negative thought alive. "Y/N, love there's nothing you have to apologize for honestly I didn't know she'd show up, I just felt terrible when you left and I knew she was the problem" he paused squeezing your hand reassuringly.

"Wow I didn't know that" I sighed I guess I was overthinking but I seriously it felt like this was some sort of ripple in the relationship, what in the Disney channel original movie was this.

Both of you were interrupted by the sound of Jonah's phone ringing. His hands fumbling with the phone as he rushed to answer.

"No sir, I don't know what you're talking about" he furrowed his brow looking at you, a soft smile upon his lips as he spoke again.

"Yeah sure, she's here with me right now- okay.. We'll be there" he ended the call slipping his phone back into his pocket "listen Y/N we gotta go um" he paused glancing around the café "you know who wants to see us" i nodded as if I understood him, in reality I didn't but who was I tell him I didn't know who wanted to see us.

Well now standing in the big office that belonged to their manager, a stern look upon his features. He didn't seem impressed to see them. He reminded silent sliding his phone towards them both, an open news article displayed on the screen.

"Care to tell me what's going on" he finally spoke, it nearly made your soul jump out of your body as you read the headline


Oh shit, man these paparazzi people were fast but now we were in for hours of explanations


A/N: honestly I feel like this chapter is very short but I'm sorry it took me forever to update I'm going to try to update this book as much as possible. I may go into the process of rewriting some previous chapters but I'm still thinking about it! I hope you enjoy now that my writing style has slightly changed :)

                          -  Quinn <3

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