Leaving Early

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Justin's POV

I woke up and saw that Selena wasn't next to me. I heard the shower going, so I guess she's in there. I sighed, remembering what had happened last night and that she was ignoring me. I mean, I wouldn't blame her, I basically cheated on her when I said I wouldn't ever do that to her again, specially now that we have Amelia. I don't want anything to happen to us to where we break up and I'll hardly get to see Amelia.

Selena's POV

I got out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my body and opened the door quietly, in case Justin was still sleeping. I peaked out the door and just saw him sitting at the edge of the bed, in deep thought looking at his hands. I walked out and avoided eye contact with him and quickly grabbed my clothes before he could say anything to me. I just really don't wanna talk to him. But I know once I walk out again he's going to say something.

I got dressed, blow dried my hair and walked out, hanging up the towel.

"Sel" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"What" I growled. He's only gonna make me even more pissed. I know it.

"Can we please talk about it? Let's go out for lunch and we can talk about, please" he held my hands but I didn't do anything back, I didn't even make eye contact. It's hard for me to process that he cheated on me again.

"Sure" I replied, I took my hand back from him and got up, grabbing my purse, and putting my flats on, I looked at him, waiting for him to get up so we could go.

"What?" He asked.

"It's 12:30, it's time for lunch" I stated pointing to the clock.

"Oh" was all he said. He quickly got dressed and we left out to the car. of course paps were out. Do they wait all night for us?

"Selena! You don't look to happy what's going on?"

"No smiles?"

"Justin, not protecting your lady now are you?"

Your lady. Yeah let's see how long that lasts. We got to the car and I sat by the window instead of next to him, like I usually do. He looked at me for a minute then looked down at his hands.

We arrived at the restaurant and got out of the car. Justin wrapped his arm around my waist, but I slowly moved away from him. Right now he makes me uncomfortable. We entered the restaurant and sat down at a booth.

"Hello I'm Michelle, I'll be your waitress tonight" she smiled, "what can I get you guys to drink?"

"I'll have a lemonade" I replied with a smile.

"And I'll have a coke" Justin answered.

"I'll be right back" she left to go get our drinks.

I looked at Justin and he opened his mouth like he was about to say something but nothing came out. He just looked at me. She came back with our drinks and we told her what we wanted to eat, and then she left again.

Justin's POV

"Selena, I'm really sorry, I really am" I told her. I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. She didn't even look at me. I sighed. I hate that I made her feel like this, I was so stupid to even let my self get out of control. "Baby, please say something. I love you so much and I hate that this is happening on our Honeymoon, I know I fucked up and I seem to do that a lot but I truly am sorry. I'm so scared of you leaving me, I don't want that to happen because I love waking up to you every morning and I can't handle being away from you and Amelia. She means nothing to me, I swear, you're the only one I want" I told her, hoping that she would answer.

"You know Justin," she looked at me with mixed emotions in her eyes, usually they're sparkling and bright, filled with happiness but now all I see is sadness, anger, and confusion. "I was so excited to do all these fun things and make memories with you on our honeymoon, but instead you tell me to go shopping for Amelia and Gracie so you could go to a club. The best part is, you did exactly what you said you wouldn't do. For goodness sakes Justin we're not even married for a week and you already cheated! You know how that makes me feel? Not only that but it was with a girl that you've dated before! You know how unwanted I felt when you left. I can't believe you".

"Fuck Selena, I get that I fucked up but I want to make things better! I took you out for lunch so we could fix this but you're only making it worse!" I whispered yelled.

"Oh yeah, go ahead! Blame it on me! You always do that when we fight. You don't need to act like a douche" she scoffed.

"Well you need to stop acting like a fucking bitch" I growled. I realized at what I had said and regretted it.

She gasped at what I had said and grabbed her purse and got up, heading towards the door.

"Selena!" I yelled, she just walked out the door. I quickly left a $100 dollar bill on the table and went after her. "Selena, come back, you know I didn't mean it!".

She turned around and just glared at me and got into one of the black cars and took off, probably back to the hotel.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself.

"Justin! Did you and Selena break up"

"Is it true you cheated on Selena with Yovanna?"

I flipped them off and got into the other black car, going back to the hotel.

Selena is not happy with Justin! Selena and Justin were seen having a fight during their lunch date.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez dined at restaurant in Paris on their Honeymoon. Unfortunately, Selena and Justin got into a fight on the dinner date before they were even served appetizers!
"The 'couple' had an argument while inside the restaurant and Selena left less than 10 minutes into the meal, taking off in one of their cars leaving Justin behind. Justin came out, covering his face.

An eyewitness at the restaurant tells us exclusively, "All of a sudden someone was yelling and I was like how embarrassing to have a fight in public. Then I realized it was Selena Gomez and she was having a fight with Justin Bieber. She was so mad she was crying and just stormed out of the restaurant. Justin followed behind her and looked upset. He looked kind of shocked like 'what just happened?' I felt really really sorry for them."

Hopefully this will be fixed in no time for the Jelena fans. We would hate to see them get divorced not only a week into their marriage. But what caused this?

Selena's POV

I packed all my stuff into my suitcase and grabbed my phone and texted momma that I was leaving early and that I would tell her about it when I got there.

"Selena? Where are you going?"

"Leaving, leaving early. You can come, but you'll have to stay at your own house instead of with me".

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