Cinco De Mayo

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Justin's POV

It's Cinco De Mayo and I decided that I would take Selena out while my mom watch Amelia for us. We're planning on flying out to Florida and just enjoy spending time together for a day or 2. Right now she's at the studio working on her upcoming album, which sounds amazing so far, and has no idea that we're leaving tonight. I thought I would surprise her.

Speaking of albums, I know my fans were looking forward to having my new album sometime this month, but I didn't think it fit to where I am now. So yes I did decide to just restart my whole album and I'm hoping I'll be done around Christmas time. defiantly before the end of this year. I really want this album to be really really good.

"Baby, I'm home!" Selena yelled.

"Hey beautiful" I smiled, snaking my arms around her waist.

"How was your day?" She asked, pecking my lips. I didn't want a peck so I kissed her again but longer. I'm so lucky her lips are mine, and only mine. I could kiss her all day and all night if I could.

"My day was good, but it's better now that you're here" my hands trailed down to her ass and squeezed it.

"Justin!" She squealed, causing me to smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face" she hit me playfully in the chest.

"Okay okay!" I laughed. I backed away from her and followed her to the kitchen.

"Why is Amelia's bag packed?"

"Oh, my mom is going to watch her for the weekend, if you don't mind" I sat down.

"I guess not. Is there a reason?" She questioned, sitting on my lap.

"Well, I thought maybe me and you could fly out to Florida for a day or two, just to spend time together and catch up on sleep" I wrapped my arms around her again, smiling up at her.

"Yes! Oh my gosh! Are we leaving today?"

"Actually yes, in a couple hours. I packed some clothes for you. No makeup though, I want your natural beauty" I told her.

Selena's POV

"Fiiiine, only for you" I whined. I unwrapped his arms and got up and went to change my clothes. I peaked in my suit case to see what Justin had packed for me, and I have to say, he's pretty good at matching my outfits with his.

I walked over to Amelia's room, and saw she was still napping. I didn't want to wake her up because then she'd be fussy and cranky and I didn't want to give her to Pattie like that. I grabbed her little car seat and tried my best to not wake her up trying to put her in it. I carefully picked her up and she moved a little bit but didn't wake up. I set her down gently and buckled her up and went back to the living room.

"Ready babe?"

"All ready" I smiled. I grabbed Amelia's bag and headed out the door, letting Justin lock up the house. I buckled the seat in the car and got in the passenger seat.

Once we arrived at Patties I told her to wake for Amelia to wake up by herself so she wouldn't be so fussy and to also feed her when she wakes up. I kissed my baby girls head and gave Pattie a hug. Justin did the same and then we left back to go to the airport.

"I'm excited to spend time with you Jay, I think we really need this" I laced my hand with his.

"Me too baby" he smiled, squeezing my hand gently. "We're taking my private jet so it'll just be us two".

That made it even better. I was kind of hoping he did anyways because I didn't really want to be on a plane with people asking for pictures and other stuff right now. I just want to be with my wonderful husband. I can't believe he did this for us.

We arrived at the airport and Patrick helped us get through the airport itself and then eventually helped with our bags. Once we made it through the crowd of fans and stopping to take pictures and sign some stuff, we got on the jet and instantly made the chair fold into bed(i dont know if they actually can in some) and plopped down on it. I cuddled up next to Justin and traced random designs on his chest while he brushed my hair with his fingers. and as he did that I slowly fell asleep.

Justin's POV

Selena always looks cute when she sleeps. I didn't expect her to fall asleep that fast but she must've been tired from being in the studio all day. I know when I'm in the studio that long I would just want to sleep forever. I continued to brush her hair and she moved closer to me, if that's possible. I took a picture of us and set it as my screen saver. I'm glad I'm doing this for us too. Its been a while since we got to spend quality time together, only because I fucked up last time. But this time I won't. I'll make sure we do whatever she wants. Even though Cinco De Mayo isn't really a big holiday, we'll just have fun just to have fun. Even if it wasn't. I closed my eyes and just listened to the sound of Selena breathing and then fell asleep with her in my arms.
I woke up and saw that we landed.

"Babe, wake up we're here" I slowly moved from under her and got up.

"Mmm, no I don't want to get up" she mumbled. I laughed.

"Hello? Remember? Time for us to love on each other, now get your sleepy ass up" I pinched her butt.

"OUCH!" She screamed. "Justin!"

"Yay, now you're up. Let's go now" I chuckled, getting off the jet. I could see some paps trying to be sneaky about taking pictures of us, but they suck at that.

Selena kept mumbling stuff and I kept laughing at it because I know she's like half asleep still. Knowing she's a heavy sleeper.

We left the Airport and drove to our hotel where we unpacked some things. I saw Selena undressing and just watched, but then wondered why she was.

"Babe what are you doing?" I asked, still checking her out.

"Well I saw they had a pool and I thought we could go swimming" she replied. It took me a minute to process what she said because I was busy looking at her beautiful curvy body.

"Yeah okay" was all I said before changing into swim trunks and heading down to the pool with her. We asked if it could just be us for a while and that we wouldn't be long. Selena jumped in right away once she set her stuff down. I followed.

"Ahh feels so good" she smiled.

"I can make you feel better" I winked. She smirked and swam towards me, resting her hands on my abs.

"Is that so?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Mmmhhm" i hummed, grabbing her ass. Her squats really do pay off.

"Hmm, I don't think so" she smiled, leaning in forward slowly, giving me a soft kiss on the lips while her hands made their way down in my trunks. I jumped slightly as she teased me by giving me a handjob.

"Y-yes I c-can" I stuttered from pleasure.

"Nope!" She giggled as she pulled her hands out and swam away from me.

"Dammit Selena" I groaned in frustration. I swam to her and grabbed her waist so she couldn't escape. "We're going back to the room and we're finishing what you started" I smirked. This was going to be one fun night.

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