Beach day & littles

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Selena's POV

"Baby you ready?" I yelled. I was packing stuff into our car and buckled up Amelia. We were going up to our condo on the beach and we were taking Jazz and Jaxo with us. This was going to be their first time meeting Amelia.

"Yes babe, I'm coming" he replied.

I got into the passengers side as Justin walked out the door, coming to get in the drivers side. He opened the door and smiled at me before starting the car. He started the engine and backed up and headed out to patties, which is where the littles were staying at.

"You look beautiful baby" he smiled, resting his hand on my thigh.

"Thank you" I smiled. I looked back at Amelia who was dazed out as she looked out the window. She's so precious. I still can't believe all of this is happening. Here I am, married to the one I love with all my heart. And behind us is our little beautiful babygirl. Jazzy is gonna love her. So will Jaxon but he's not all that into meeting new people.

I smiled. I couldn't ask for anything better than what I have right now. I'm truly blessed for the beautiful family I have. I'm really hoping nothing comes between us again. I'm sick and tired of me and jay fighting. I'm not going to lie, I want him to myself and I don't want to share.

"Babe, stop" Jay spoke.

"What?" I asked. Crap he knows what I'm thinking.

"I know that look, baby you're the only one I want, no one else. You and Amelia are the only girls I need in my life, besides my mom" he laced his hand with mine.

"I know I know, I'm sorry" I said, looking at him.

"Let's go on date soon, just the two of us, soon okay?" He pulled into the driveway, pattie opening her front door with a big smile.

"Okay" I smiled, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out.

Justin's POV

I got out of the car and got Amelia out.

"Justin, Selena! I've missed you guys!" My mom beamed with joy. She hugged Selena and then made her way towards me. "And princess Amelia" she kissed her head and then hugged me from the side.

"Hey mom" I smiled.

"Come on in, Jazz and Jax are all ready for you" she smiled. We followed her inside and that's when I felt two little bodies collide with my legs.

"Justin!!" Jazz and Jax said in unison.

"Hey guys" I picked them both up and gave them a big hug and kissed their chubby little cheeks. "I want you to meet someone" I too both their hands and lead them over to Selena and Amelia. "This is your niece Amelia"

"Hi Amelia, we're gonna be best friends" Jazz smiled and kissed her head. Selena awed.

"Ready to go to the beach?" Selena asked.

"Let's head out! Mom we'll be back in a couple hours" i hollored.

"Okay have fun, and be careful!"

We all got into the car and got everyone buckled up and headed to the beach. This is the perfect day to spend it with my amazing family. The only thing I'm hoping will stay away is the Paps. I don't want them around Jazzy and Jaxon, they scare them and makes them cry. I also don't want pictures of Amelia on the internet at such a young age unless it's me or Selena post in the picture either on instagram or Facebook.

"Jay stop thinking so much on whatever it is you're thinking of. Just try to relax and don't worry about anything else. It's going to fine." Selena rested her hand on mine and rubbed it softly, calming my nerves down. I smiled.

"Thanks baby, i love you"

"I love you too Jay"

Authors Note:

Sorry for a short chapter but I wanted to give you something since I won't be able to update until sometime in June. Anyways sorry if it sucks. Once school is out I'll be able to edit more and make the chapters better. Anyways hope you're all hanging in there for the last couple days of school. Unless you're out, if you are you're lucky! Oh and try to read the first chapter of my new story! I keep forgetting to let you guys know. But check it out and vote if you like it:)


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