43. Fall Festival

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Chapter warnings for underaged drinking! Don't do it children. Alcohol fries up your insides and makes you a perpetual moody Tsunade.


One could hear music playing in KSA from a mile away. That was an exaggeration. The fall festival was finally here. Everyone was in good spirits. Well, most everyone was in good spirits.

The main theatre was packed with frolicsome students, some at the dance floor, some at the stage and some at the food table. People that didn't wish to communicate with others were outside loitering around hallways. It was a free day, no teachers were on their neck to stop doing that but all activities were monitored.

Iruka watched his former students scattered across the room over a cup of alcoholic punch. He was surprised when he saw Naruto with Sakura but was more surprised when Sakura and Ino only gave each other the stink eye when they crossed roads before marching off the opposite ways.

Most of the girls were together in their own cliques, not even talking to the boys, and the boys were also scattered here and there across the room doing things other than interacting with each other. That was weird.

"Maa, a boys versus girls fight is inevitable in a class of growing kids." Was Kakashi's simple yet absurd observation when Iruka asked him about it. He was dressed like a scarecrow for the festival. How original.

"Don't you think they should have grown past that stage?" Yamato piped in. "A class fight is something middle schoolers would do."

"They're all burning with youthful passion!" Gai hollered.

"More like misplaced hormones." Kakashi cut in dryly. It didn't stop Gai from continuing his speech.

"I say we let them fight to their fullest! When sweat and passion are released, then they shall experience the spring time of youth!"

"For once I agree with the green man." Genma muttered boredly from his cup of punch. "Interfering in a fight like this would do them no good. Let them sweat it out."

"But what if something serious happens?" Hanare voiced before Iruka could say it. He also had the same worries about this class rift.

"Don't mind! Don't mind!" Anko butted in, half drunk on beer and dangos. "In my time we used to settle things with our fist! Right Kakashi?!"

The scarecrow stared unamused at Anko who was dressed like a witch. They were never even classmates, why was she calling his name?

"I feel bad for the boys that were in your class Anko. They must've gotten quite a beating." Kurenai commented. Anko started cackling.

"I used to put frogs in Ibiki's bento. He made the cutest faces back then. Hee hee hee!"

Some heads turned to the stone faces disciplinarian in surprise. Ibiki and Anko were classmates? "Don't believe her. She's drunk." The man denied. It only had a now very drunk Anko hanging off him and forcing him to say the truth.

"We were in ANBU High together! And Kakashi too! And Yamato! Say it! Say it!"

"Anko go to your room, you're drunk." Kakashi hotly instructed the prattling woman. They were never classmates but they were schoolmates. And Kakashi wasn't too proud of his younger self  when he was in his high school stages. With the way Anko was going she would expose his secrets one by one!

"Hee hee hee. Yamato used to look like a girl. I thought he was Kakashi's girlfriend."

Yamato choked on punch. "That's- what- how?!" He sputtered while the others laughed at his expense. Anko giggled.

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