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The day dawned crisp and clear. The sun poured through her window... The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene... Rajkumari Sanghvi was sleeping and having a dream in which she was riding a horse a with young handsome prince whose face was not visible clearly to her, he was holding a spear in hands and then " Rajkumari Rajkumari, Sanghvi's dream was interrupted she opened her lotus like eyes and saw her sakhi standing in front of her. "What happened Jaya?" asked Sanghvi, Jaya spoke

"what happened are you asking me this in this calm voice your mother is really angry with you "

But why? asked Sanghvi

"because you woke up so late" said Jaya

"Oh no then first I have to go to her and then need to bath, you do one thing ask dasis to prepare for my bath and prepare gulab paste i am coming after meeting mata"

"As you say Princess" giving a smile.

Sanghvi hugged Jaya and run to meet her mother- "Mata, can I come in asked rajkumari

"Oh so you have woke up thank god, I am very happy" said Rani Priyamvada in a sarcastic tone.

"maa I am really sorry" said sanghvi coming in to her chamber and hugged her mother...

Rani smiled and asked rajkumari to go and have a bath..

Sanghvi went to the snan kaksh and was had a bath after that she came out and wore this dress👇🏻

Sanghvi went to the snan kaksh and was had a bath after that she came out and wore this dress👇🏻

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She wore some ornaments with this dress. She looked stunning. After she went to take blessings from her father King Arunuday.. She was the apple of eyes of her father. As the Rajkumari was walking and having chat with Jaya in corridors of Mahal she saw her brothers practicing different kind of weapons she get curious about it.. she went here and asked her brother about it they mocked her and said that these things are not for girls. But then Sanghvi took sword and said- bhratashree if you say that these things are not for girls and they can't fight than to change your mind i am challenging you to come for a competition of sword fighting..... Sanghvi said this with a proud smile..
Her brothers asked her to change her decision- behna! See if you lose than don't go to father and say that we harmed you and don't cry..
Her 2nd brother said- exactly now change your mind and go play with your friends..
Sanghvi said- oh don't worry that I will get hurt it will be okk
Her brothers had no choice they agreed and accepted the challenge..
Suddenly Sanghvi said
- wait! wait!
Brothers said- what happened?
Sanghvi- see if you both win then I will obey your all orders and whatever you will say but-
She was cutted off in between by her 2nd brother he said- but what?
Sanghvi- but what will I get if i will win?? She said with a sarcastic smile
Umm anything you will want.. said her brothers..
Ohk thankyou but that anything i will get normally also but i want that you both will take father's permission for me so that I can also practice weapons with you all, do you understand??
Her brothers said ok..
They started the competition and in that Sanghvi won.. she was very happy then her brothers apologies to her for mocking and said- we are really sorry and i give you my word that i will ask permission for you
Thanku you brothers are the best in the world- said Sanghvi
They have fun moments and they also practice...

After some time Rani Padmavati came and asked her to come with her to temple.

they went there...

THE END......

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