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Sanghvi went to weapon practicing area..

Her brothers saw her and came to her , they said-" you know we know how to convince pitashree to let you practice weapons here..."

Suthanu was elated by this but was confused that how they will convince pitashree. so she asked them- "bhratashree! but how will you convince?"

His both brothers smiled at her and said-" My dear sister, I think you should pressurize your mind little bit, you would definitely know your answer. And yes first you will talk to him. Sanghvi nodded her head.

Then something clicked Sanghvi's mind and she smiled at them and said-" I got that how you will convince Pitashree" , then they went to the king's chamber to talk to him.

"Pitashree we want to talk to you" said Sanghvi.

"Yes sure first come in, sit down and then talk" said king 

"umm....actually I want something" said Sanghvi

" yeah of course tell me what do you want  and no need to be nervous, I promise that I will give you whatever you want" said king

Sanghvi and her brothers were elated and King was giving them knowing smile but they cant understand why 

wait! said king when Sanghvi was about to say something.. she glanced nervously at her brothers.  

" before you ask me permission for using weapon practice area for yourself, I grant you the permission" said king smilingly.. 

The siblings were shocked so they asked him how he knew that so the king tell them that he saw Sanghvi practicing weapon one night and before that when she was talking to her brothers about girls being equal to boys.  

((((((((((((((((((TIME SKIP))))))))))))))))) 


Prativindhya was practicing sword weapon with Abhimanyu when in his mind suddenly Sanghvi's pic came he closed his eyes for second there also pic of Sanghvi came, he opened his eyes and was having hard time concentrating in his practice and he lost...

" Prati what's wrong with you today?" asked Abhimanyu

" umm nothing bhrata its ....welll... said Prativindhya

Abhimanyu raised his eyebrows and said- you know you can tell me  what's bothering you

it's nothing bhratashree i am just tired, I will go and rest said Prativindhya and he left from there.....

What the hell happened to him, he is behaving weird... said Abhimanyu to himself but Uttara heard and came there..

" you know Arya he is slowly slowly falling in love" said Uttara

" WHAT! It cant be possible"

" it can be arya"

" come on Uttara, you know that he keep girls away from him besides his sisters, but how!" 

" I know that he keep girls away from him and is very shy around  them but you never know, anything can happen in life..." She sighs and then again said- I am eagerly waiting to welcome my sister-in-law..

"huh! you are such a day-dreamer, anyways how is Parikshit doing?"

He is fine, i need to run so much behind him and he is so mischievous, you know some dasis came to me to complain about him" said Uttara... 

Abhimanyu was laughing and then Uttara said that he was also mischievous like this only he slightly blushed which went noticed by Uttara and she said-

" WHAT! I can't believe that THE GREAT ABHIMANYU is blushing.."" she said laughingly

" huh ok come on lets go inside I'm hungry" said abhimanyu

"yeah let's go " said Uttara still laughing...


He was lying in his bed eye's closed and he saw a some type of vision- that a girl and a boy was riding a horse and then suddenly-

his vision was interrupted by a knock in his door he saw Suthanu standing there.. 

"Thanu what are you doing there come inside" said Prativindhya

she came inside and said- Bhratashree ! I want your help..

what help?

umm.. you need to right a letter for me


cause, as you know my birthday is coming and I want to invite me best friend here......

seriously! this work you can also do by yourself 

but what about the words, your writing is also good and the words you pick up are also impressing and also I met her after so long and I am nervous about writing a letter to her or will she even come...                                     

ok ok fine I will write the letter >>

thankyou thankyou, now I will go bye.... said Suthanu and she leaves but she stopped and said- "by the way My best friend name is Sanghvi do not forget her name while writing the letter" she smiled and went.. 

Prativindhya smiled and blushed and repeated the name softly as he remembered his first meet with her-"Sanghvi"  ...............


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