Chapter one- The Bard and The Heir

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    "And the eyes of the cursebreaker and the beast of spring met as she took her first steps under the mountain" I sang, the sound of my lute following not soon after.

    Dodging the plates and other random objects being thrown my way, I continued to dance around the bar. Not one person hesitates to voice their opinion. Everyone showed their reaction, their opinion, all but one.

    Body clad in leather like armor. A giant cloak covering most of him, especially his face and his head being tilted down did not help at all. The only thing I could see was a couple strands of red hair.

    It reminded me of a mix between a blazing fire and  a sweet strawberry.

    After finishing, my dare I say amazing performance, I made my way toward the bar. Sitting down, I grabbed a drink from a waitress that happened to have walked by me.

     "It would be a wise decision to just stay away from him and leave him alone, considering the armor" I thought. But I was curious, and my mother did tell me I was never the wisest, repeatedly. Observing him more I noticed two big swords near him. "How did I notice that before? Oh right, I was trying not to get hit by glass". Making my decision I stood up. Unwise indeed.

    As I reached his table, I leaned against the wall. "I love how you just sit there and brood, it's quite....something."  He kept quiet, not even sparing me a glance. Quite rude if you ask me, but I wasn't ready to give up just yet.

   "You know, no one had been hesitating to let their opinion be known, well, everyone but you" I said.

    A deep haunting voice spoke, well more like grumbled "I want to drink alone."

    "There you are" I grinned in triumph.

     "Well, you must have some sort of review or something." I said leaning forward, my elbows on the table and my face between my hands being cupped. "Three words or maybe two" I continued to ramble.

    "She doesn't like him" He interrupted in an uninterested tone. Rude.

    "How would you know?" I questioned him. But all he did was stare at me, not answering.

    But then-

    Brows quirking up, realization dawning on my face, in an exciting tone I told him. " oohhh how fun, how very fun. Leather-like armor, giant cloak, anti-social loner, a resting bitch face, two big looking swords and covered ears. I know who you are, or shall I say what you are-."  Not letting me finish, he stood up, and walked towards the door.

    Quickly following after him, I stepped in front of him and spoke softly, enough for just the both of us to hear.  "Your Fae" I smiled.

    Pushing me aside, he left the bar. Of course not before hearing me exclaim "knew it", then he was out the door.

    Quickly grabbing my bag and lute, I followed him in exiting the bar. I was quickly met with the bright rays of the sun. Squinting my eyes, I looked for the fae. "He couldn't have gone that far, right?"

    Not even a minute later, I recognized a cloak covered figure with his two swords secured at his back. Walking towards the mountains.

   "Found you" I mumbled, a soft smile starting to form on my face. Securing my things, I quickly followed after him.

30 minutes later

    "Who knew the fae could be this fast, well I did but I didn't know it was this fast" I thought. My hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath.

    Just as I was about to start running after him again, my back was slammed against the wall and a rather fancy looking dagger was pressed against my throat. A familiar redhead came into view.

    "Why are you following me?"

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