Chapter two- The Beginning of The End

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    "Follo-, I wasn't following you" I scoffed, praying it would somehow convince him. But this only made him press the dagger harder against my throat.

    Feeling a light sting and blood run down my skin, I gave in. "Alright" I exclaimed, throwing my hand in the air as if surrendering. "But if you were ever to be so kind, please consider removing your sharp ass dagger from my throat before it injures me any further." He did nothing. "Perhaps you're not in a particularly giving mood today" I tried to joke, but still nothing. Clearing my throat, my eyes looked into his amber-coloured ones, " I just wanted to know what kind of business a fae had in the human lands. Especially one who is currently wearing armor-like skin, not to mention his two big scary swords."

    "Curse my stress talking" I thought, scolding myself.

    For a couple of seconds, all he did was stare into my fucking soul before letting me go and walking away.

    Jogging up to him, I said "let me go with you". Eyes never leaving the path ahead he told me in a firm tone, "No".

"Come on, you nearly cut my fucking throat open, the most you can do for me right now is let me go with you" I tried to reason. Yet he just ignored me like I was some sort of pest. "I will write tales, legends, songs about you. The people will love you and all you have to do is let me go with you."

    " I could care less about what your kind thinks of me" he said. His tone was sharp, most definitely trying to threaten me. But two can play that game, "Yes I didn't expect you to but I do know that people talk. Like it or not, if I make a song about a red-headed fae who "attacked" me, an innocent bard, who was just minding her own business, word would spread. And it would spread fast considering how nosy you fae are." He had frozen mid-step during my "threat".

He turned his head, amber in his eyes burning brightly. A moment had passed by and I was ready to shit my pants. Then he opened his mouth "I'll fucking cut your tongue and feed it to you."

Holy fucking shit I'm gonna fucking die. I can already hear my mother scolding me from the depth of hell

"What were you thinking dandelion" "How can I give birth to an imbecile'' "Your a disgrace dandelion" "You're my biggest regret dandelion"

Fucking bitch. I hope she's fucking rotting right now.

"Well...." I started. "You wouldn't have to go through that many steps if you would just let me go with you" I spread my arms in front of me, towards him.

Then suddenly a giant wall of fire separated my view "I can't fucking deal with this. I have more important things to do" I heard his voice from behind the fiery walls. "Talk about being rude," I thought as I put my hand on my chest, face deadpanned. 

He reminds me of a certain brooding blonde.

Now how can I get over this fire, praying that the fiery male hadn't gone too far without me. Looking up, I noticed that although the wall was wide, there were taller trees. "Perhaps he did not want attention" I thought, not being able to relate. And so I started my master plan.

I started climbing the tallest tree. 

"I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die."

Those were my thoughts while I climbed the tree. My hand had a couple cuts in them and I had nearly fallen off at least five time but that wasn't important right now because I was now above the wall of fucking fire. "Beat that you fae bitch"

Now I have to get to the other side.

I didn't think this through.

So I screamed. "HELP ME! I CAN'T FUCKING GET DOWN, YOU CRAZY RED HEAD." Hoping that he had a heart even though it was probably black and shriveled like a prune. "IF YOU DON'T HELP ME I'LL SCREAM THAT YOUR HERE" I didn't think it would work but by some miracle he had disappeared before my eyes then reappeared by my side.

He grabbed me roughly, my arms that were once hugging the tree were now wrapped around him. He was warm, not hot. He felt like the fire you would burn on a cold night out in the forest. The only sense of comfort you had, defending you from the unknown darkness.

Then my breath was knocked out of my body as everything became a voice and the color black was all I saw.

Next thing I know I was waking up in the most unpleasant way possible. I felt nauseous like I was an eight year old girl on her first boat but made the boat sail through a hurricane instead. And the fact that someone was kicking my ribs was not helping at all, I ended up vomiting on who ever was kicking me, But let's be honest here "he fucking deserved that" I thought feeling a bug disgusted and a bit victorious over that fact that I had vomited but at least it landed on someone who deserved it. But victory was short lived. The same vomit coated shoes kicked me once again but this time harder. I ended up rolling a few feet away. Once again air was knocked out and I was gasping for breaths. Looking up at my side, there I saw the biggest prick of the century. His face was full of disgust and fury as he looked between me and his shoes.

"I should kill you" his voice was full of malice. "Maybe, but you won't." I said getting up and cleaning my mouth after recovering from that unnecessary blow. "If you think that then you are more foolish than I thought ,bard" he smirked, his voice supporting the fact that fae were tricksters. "Because..." I started. Then showed the necklace that was on my hand. I had grabbed it when he pulled me close to him when we were on the tree. Though it was by accident and I had only grabbed it due to shock. But turns out the gods were on my side today, as this was my saving grace cuz he spoke "give that back to me" he moved forward reaching out to it but it was no use. I had it and I wasn't going to give it back until I got what I wanted.

Putting the necklace behind me, avoiding and turning the opposite way every time he got close. He had grown annoyed with our game of cat and mouse, which I very much enjoyed. He let out a growl like some sort of anime then signed. Giving up, he let out a loud breath and looked at me before asking the question I've been waiting for since a while ago "What do you want,bard?"

My eyes lit up like the sun, if I do say so myself, and replied "you know what I want. I've literally been saying it since a while ago". He just looked at me without saying anything like the little creepy statues in Madame Lorain's garden. I threw my hand in the air "I want you to take me with you" I said it in a slow and mocking voice which made his groomed brows knit together.

"You would be a burden, do you even know how to fight,bard?" He said "bard" as if to mock me. "I never said anything about joining the fight. I'm merely an observer, a third party that you do not need to pay any attention to."

"If you were to die before you got the necklace back?" His head nodded behind me, gesturing to his valuable jewelry. "That won't happen. '' My voice was suddenly strong and sharp, just as it was a while ago. "Even if I die then you have permission to take it from my dead body" flashing a smile and giving him a thumbs up.

He let out a sign. "He does that a lot," I thought. "Fine" his voice was defeated, then not a second later his eyes swept to me. Yet again, I find myself facing those fiery amber eyes. "But if you get in my way I won't hesitate to throw you to the wolves" his voice was deep and predator-like as he made me a promise.

"Don't you know fae? Wolves fucking love me."

And so, the adventure began.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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