one: new york nanny

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To cab driver) "...So then my dad, who's in the marine corps, practically blew his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York, but he chilled when I told him I had a great job."(Jessie sips her drink) "Do you know where I can find a great job?" Said Jessie

(Cab driver closes partition screen, Jessie looks offended)

"Alright, someone needs some alone time..." Said Jessie

(Cab driver takes a violent turn and Jessie is jerked around in the backseat)

Jessie: (While looking through her purse) "Wait, my wallet's gone!" (Continues fumbling through purse) "Someone must have stolen it..." (Laughs weakly)" I don't suppose I can pay you in lip gloss and breath mints?" Said Jessie

(Cab driver pulls over to The Fairfield, and Jessie slams into the partition)

"They're wintergreen" said Jessie

(music playing)

Jessie: (To cab driver) ...So then my dad, who's in the marine corps, practically blew his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York, but he chilled when I told him I had a great job. (Jessie sips her drink) Do you know where I can find a great job?

(Cab driver closes partition screen, Jessie looks offended)

Jessie: Alright, someone needs some alone time...

(Cab driver takes a violent turn and Jessie is jerked around in the backseat)

Jessie: (While looking through her purse) Wait, my wallet's gone! (Continues fumbling through purse) Someone must have stolen it... (Laughs weakly) I don't suppose I can pay you in lip gloss and breath mints?

(Cab driver pulls over to The Fairfield, and Jessie slams into the partition)

Jessie: They're wintergreen...

Jessie when she meets Zuri, France and Tony.
(Jessie is kicked out of the cab and grunts, while Zuri, France and Tony watch)

"That was rude!"(Jessie's suitcase is thrown out) "Ha, ha, you missed me!" Said Jessie

(Jessie is hit with her cup; she rubs her head while Zuri looks amused. Cab drives away. Tony runs over to Jessie.)

Tony: (helps Jessie stand) "Whoa, you must be a really bad tipper! I'm Tony." Said Tony

Jessie: (shakes Tony's hand)" I'm Jessie." She said

"My name is France and this is my best friend zuri"

Zuri: (takes one of Jessie's bras) "and I'm guessing this is yours?" Said France

"Oh, thank you sweetie.".(Laughs awkwardly)" that's just my... slingshot!" Said Jessie (Laughs again)

(Laughs) "she doesn't know it's a bra!" Said zuri

"That's so lame"

Nanny Kay (the Ross's old nanny) runs screaming out of the Fairfield lobby)

"Bye, nanny! ...Whatever your name was..." said Zuri

"Wasn't her nanny Kay?" Zuri shrugged

(Turns to Jessie) "Hey, Jessie, wanna be my new nanny?" Said Zuri

"Aww, thank you both sweetie, but I didn't come all the way from Fort Hood, in Texas, just to be a babysitter." (Stands)" I came to New York to follow my dreams, cause this is where dreams come true!" Said Jessie

(Sarcastically)" Yeah. Right. Until then, I like my grilled cheese cut in triangles, and my tutu starched!" Said Zuri. "And I like everything to be done for me" (Grabs Jessie's hand and Jessie grabs her purse.)

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