four: used karma

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In the penthouse:

"Do not be scared, Mr. Kipling. It is only a movie" said Ravi


"A very realistic movie! This 3-D is amazing! I feel as though I can reach out and touch it! (SCREAMS) Now it is reaching out to touch me! (SCREAMING) Bertram! Evil spirits walk among us!" Said Ravi

"(LAUGHING) You got the evil part right. That was awesome! You screamed like a little girl" said Luke

"I did not! I screamed like a big, tough girl! And you certainly did not scare my fearless friend, Mr. Kipling!" Said Ravi

(Mr. Kipling slithers onto the elevator)

"You reptilian wimp!" Said Ravi

"Bertram, is my new issue of Leopard Beat here?" Said Emma

"Oh and me issues of hot guys in leopard beat here?" I said adding a comment back

"One moment" said Bertram

(Bertram puts on a pair of headphones.)

Emma and France: (SCREAMING)

"What's wrong? Who's hurt? First aid kit or ambulance?" Said Jessie

My Leopard Beat magazine came! This month has a special feature on bra stuffing! "Which is better? Tissues or socks?" Spoiler alert. It's neither. Quilted toilet paper. You're welcome.


What up, penthouse!" Said Tony in a hipper active way with a basket

What up, Tony!" Said Jessie

"Hey, Jessie, I brought you a welcome to New York "fuggeda-basket." Said Tony

"Aw, thanks, Tony! New York subway maps, Metro cards, and... pepper spray? Is this in case I'm the victim of a-salt?" Said Jessie (SNORING)

"That's so cheesy. I'm gonna see what the kids are doing upstairs" I said. Watching tony and Jessie like this makes me sick but it's time for the prank

Upstairs in Ravi's room

"Wow, he is one sound sleeper. This better work we have been planning for months" Francesca said as I walked into the room

"I know" said Zuri

"He looks so peaceful. I don't like it" said Luke (ALARM RINGING)

(SCREAMING) "Great Ganesh! I am a human samosa! Get me down from here!" Said Ravi

"Okay, if you say so." Said Luke


Luke, Zuri and Francesca(BOTH LAUGHING)

"Ow! That hurt!" Said Ravi

"It's your fault for sleeping on a door" said Zuri

"That is it! You have aroused my ire!" Said Ravi mad

"We have what?" I said confused

"Hey, you should thank me. Luke wanted to leave you in the lobby in nothing but your tighty whities" said Zuri

"Luke, you are treading on dangerous ground. Ever heard of karma?" Said Ravi

I have! It's my favorite topping on a sundae" said zuri.

"I don't think he means the topping on the sundae for this Zuri"

"Not caramel, karma. The concept that if you are good, the universe will reward you. But if you are bad, the Universe will beat you like a rented water buffalo" said Ravi

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