Chapter 4

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December meant end of first semester, and end of first semester meant exams - lots of exams.

Dorian was absolutely terrible in mathematics, and the upcoming exam was really important. He had no idea what to do, until he remembered Michelle. He was a clever guy - a genius in the class's eyes. He understood physics and could teach anyone mathematics.

Dorian needed a maths tutor, and it so happened that the guy he had to get to know was a great teacher and top of the class at the subject. So, at the end of the next day, a Friday, he made his way to Michelle's desk.

"Hey there" he started, smiling slightly. "Michelle, right? I'm Dorian. I noticed you're basically a genius when it comes to maths and I wanted to ask you if you can help me, because I'm trash..."

Michelle's eyes enlarged in excitement. His red cheeks deepened their color and his ears seemed to blush.

"You think I'm a genius? I mean- yeah, I know. I'm good at maths, of course I can tutor you. When do you have time?"

"Is Saturday at 16 okay for you?" Dorian proposed.

"Yes, I don't believe I have any plans. Oh! Also, where shall we meet?"

"At my place. I'll send you the location. Thank you so much! Name the price, I'll give it to you."

Michelle was about to refuse the money, then a brilliant idea came in his mind. He could feel the little light bulb popping above his head and lighting up with the amazing response he had come up with.

"How about we have a drink some time? That's a good payment."

That's pretty smooth, Dorian thought. Two can play that game.

"Are you sure I'm paying you? Seems like I only get to win here."

Dorian felt a chin on his shoulder. A shiver passed through his body.

"Hello there, love" Remus whispered in his ear, purposely deepening his voice to appear more seductive.

Dorian turned and saw his boyfriend in an outfit that made him gasp.

Remus was wearing a dark grey sweater and pitch black matte-texture pants. Small chains hung from his belt. He had a necklace with a cross around his neck and a choker with a pentagram. He wore a black corset with silver buttons. A beanie covered his head, hiding his fresh and horrible haircut.

"Looking unreasonably attractive today, Remus. Is it for me?" Dorian asked, ignoring the butterflies that made his stomach tingle.

"You know it is, darling" he answered, then turned to Michelle. "Were you setting up a date with my boyfriend?"

Michelle felt like a lion who had been turned into a mouse by a really hot goth witch. His pride felt like a coal whose fire was put out - still red and burning, but not as powerful as a flame.

"My apologies, I had no idea you guys were dating. Well I thought about it but I wasn't sure and I got carried away... And there I am, rambling. Sorry, I'm just so sorry."

"Calm down, sweetheart. I just wanted to ask if I could tag along. Next Sunday, 7 pm at that pretty cat cafe? The one near Do's. You'll know it when you get there."

"I would be delighted; no, honoured. That's weird actually, forget I said anything. What I mean is yes."

"See you there, beautiful" was the last thing Remus said to Michelle that day.

Although he acted dominant, seductive and indifferent, Remus's excitement about the date probably surpassed the others'. He had scored a date with a cute smart guy and his boyfriend. He was already planning what to say, what to order when they got there and how to end the date by planning another one.

Michelle was astounded, confused and honestly thought he was dreaming. An actual date with two pretty guys. And a tutoring session with one of them.

Dorian was the calmest of the three, but still a bit shaken up. Remus had taken him by surprise with that look and sudden seductivity level-up, and so had Michelle with the date proposal. He couldn't even think straight (he wasn't lol ʷᵒʷ ʰᵃᵛᵉⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʲᵒᵏᵉ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ)

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