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After the shower, I let Reyna rest

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After the shower, I let Reyna rest. The moment her head hit my pillow, she was out. I carefully slid her glasses off her face before folding them up and placing them back on my nightstand. Softly, I caressed her cheek before tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

I thought that by having her, every desire and built-up frustration would ease, but it didn't. It only increased. I wanted to be with her, inside her, on top of her, under her, and cuddled up with her. I wanted everything to do with her and her presence.

When I was younger, my mother danced with my father. We were the only ones at the park in the nighttime. My father had the idea which was very unlike him. I could only watch them as they swayed and moved with the rhythm of the slow song. I had never seen as big as a smile on my mother's face until he dipped her, allowing her brown hair to fall gracefully just before he swept her back.

They moved so happily and peacefully. It was like every piece in the puzzle fit-they came together. I smiled at them, hoping to one day have what they held so dearly.

When the song was over, my mother came to me and she laughed. However, my father went to go get himself a drink from the car-something he always did. I was sure he didn't think I noticed, but I did. I hated when my father drank. He was more angry and treated my mother like garbage.

"Your father certainly is something else, isn't he?" she giggled. There was a sparkle in her eyes from the night sky, reminding me of a moon.

"One day, you're going to meet someone, and you won't know what it is, my Saint. All you know is that you will do everything to protect them, and most of all, you will protect you for them," she began. My brows came together as I stared at her, wondering what she could possibly mean.

Suddenly, she erupted in a fit of giggles. There was a blush on her face, and a motherly smile crossed her features. I didn't protest as she pulled me into her arms. Her sweet lavender perfume calmed my soul.

"I know I probably don't make much sense, but one day, you will think back to this conversation and you'll understand. Love is the most confusing thing in the world, but it's only because so many people fight it," she explained. I felt her sigh and I slowly pulled back to look into her eyes again.

"Why, mama? Why do people fight it?" I asked her.

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Everyone is scared, my Saint. Love is happiness, sadness, joy, heartbreak, friendship, trust, honesty, loyalty, respect, togetherness. Love is taking all of those deep parts of yourself and giving it to someone else. Many mistaken it as being powerless and weak, but when you give it to right person... you feel impossible." Her eyes gleamed as if she were thinking of something like a moment in time she wished she could hold forever.

I smiled at her.

"I can't wait to meet the love of your life someday. I know they will be amazing. Hopefully, they'll be smart, kind, beautiful just like you, my Saint." She giggled.

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