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I had cried so much that no additional tears fell from my eyes

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I had cried so much that no additional tears fell from my eyes.

I could feel the company of someone else, but I just couldn't see them. Everywhere I looked, I was welcomed with darkness. The need to call out to them grew so strong. I wondered who they were and why they were here, and how many of them were stuck in the same position as me and could do absolutely nothing about it.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Be quiet," a voice whispered. There was desperation that laced in the feminine tone. It sounded a lot closer than I thought.

I turned to the source, but couldn't make out anything. All I knew was that I was in some kind of room. When they ripped the sack off my head, I couldn't really see any difference. It was too dark to make out anything. I didn't even know if I was blinking or not. They then warned me that talking would ultimately get me killed before they had left the room.

"What's your name?" I whispered.

"Leila," she answered quietly. I could help but hear the ripeness of her voice. It lacked maturity and experience.

"How old are you?" I asked.

I heard her footsteps, they were soft as they neared me. Hesitation and curiosity accompanied her every step.

"Thirteen," she whispered, I couldn't see her but I knew she was right beside me. "You have to be quiet or they will come."

My heart dropped. Swallowing back tears, I nodded my head even though I knew she couldn't see me. She grabbed my wrist and helped me stand. Without releasing me, she walked me over to-what I'm assuming is a mattress.

"This is your bed," she whispered. Reluctantly, she helped me sit down on the mattress.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her, my voice cracking with each word.

"I don't know. Probably a very long time," she whispered. She moved away from me, and probably back over to the other side of the room where I was sure her mattress resided.

My heart broke at her confession. She was just a child, and they had her locked away in a room doing who knows what.

"What do they do to you?" I asked her.

She sighed. There was a long hesitation before she whispered, "I-I don't really remember a lot. They come in and poke me with some needle thing. I sometimes black out and wake up covered in stuff. My old roommate used to call it 'perv gunk."

"Sometimes, I wouldn't blackout at all and for hours... different old mans would come in and out of our room. One time, they put too much of the needle into my roommate's arm and she died right next to me. She said it was a good thing so I couldn't be sad." Leila said grievously.

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