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The sun would usually greet me every morning, but not today

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The sun would usually greet me every morning, but not today. I woke up to darkness. When I opened my eyes, I could see the sun try to peep through the stubborn curtains. It was only then that I registered how I wasn't in my room. I was in Saint's room. I was in his bed, and my slobber was on his pillow.

I cringed at the sight. Taking a peek behind me to make sure he was nowhere around, I flipped the pillow over to the clean side.

After doing stretching as much as I could, I stood up. Every time I moved, I ached but I just had to push through it. There was a lot I needed to get done. I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand and slid them on my face.

Luckily, Saint's button-up was still on the floor. Memories of last night began to surface in my mind. It was almost like I could still feel him inside of me. The thought left a chill to run down my spine.

I slipped the shirt on and began to button it up. It still smelled like him. Everything in the room did. As I looked around the room, I noticed the blood on the bed. It was only in a few spots, and noticeably, I cringed.

Heading out of the room, I made my way to my room so I could put on actual clothes.

A small part of me didn't want to see Saint. I didn't think I could handle everything going back to normal as if I hadn't given him a part of myself.

I opened my bedroom door and immediately went to my closet. New clothes were waiting for me to put away as bags of the most luxurious brands sat on the floor. I needed to tell Saint to stop buying me things.

To appease my curiosity, I opened just one bag to see the bra and panties he tore off of me yesterday were there. However, it was brand new. Not only that, but multiple colors of the same bra and underwear had filled the bag.

"It would be rude not to replace what I broke, no?" Saint asked, startling me. I gasped as I turned around to see the perpetrator. He had his arms crossed over each other, leaning against the closet door frame.

Placing my hand over my racing heart, I closed the bag back up.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed.

"I'll have Rosalinda put that away for you now. It's the least she can do. We have something to discuss. I'll grab your computer. Just meet me in my room in..." he paused to glance at his watch. "Five minutes."

I only got the chance to nod my head before he began to walk off. I wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind. All I could do was watch him walk away.

Sighing, I changed into a pair of shorts and a regular t-shirt. As quickly as possible, I brushed my teeth, threw my hair up into a bun, and placed on a pair of socks and slippers.

I didn't like being rushed, but Saint seemed like urgency was important. It was the only reason why I hurried out of my room, ignoring the delicious aroma of breakfast as I went to Saint's room.

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