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Once we arrived, everything looked more classy than I imagined

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Once we arrived, everything looked more classy than I imagined. We had walked into a very luxurious club. The lights were dim, there were two staircases that merged into one at the middle. It led up to a glass ceiling where one could stand and watch the partygoers. There was a large chandelier in the center of the room with a stage not too far from it. There weren't many women around. It was mostly men as they sat in groups, drinking and laughing. I could hear glass clanking against one another and the occasional bark of laughter from someone who had drunk a little too much.

Viktor placed his hand on my lower back again, guiding me toward a corner of the club where everything was just a bit darker.

"I own this club," he whispered into my ear.

"I-I," I stammered, biting down onto my lip. "It looks beautiful."

He smiled at my words. Viktor continued to guide me until we were able to sit on a soft, white couch. There were fake plants on either side of us that stood so tall, adding onto the seclusion. My feet were killing me and I was just lucky enough to get some rest.

The moment his eyes met mine, I dropped my gaze to my lap where I began to play with my dress.

"You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not ever going to treat you so horribly ever again," he declared, grabbing my chin and bringing my gaze to his. "I promise."

I gave a small smile just as someone appeared on the stage. My attention was immediately grasped by the man as he introduced himself. He was wearing a big smile on his face as he had just accomplished the impossible.

"Good evening! I know we have some keen buyers in the crowd, now don't we?" he asked. The men began to erupt in cheer as the man on stage chuckled at their eagerness.

"This is my favorite part," Viktor whispered into my ear.

A woman dressed in a skimpy bikini walked toward us, carrying a plate full of shots. I quickly used the opportunity and grabbed two. Before Viktor could say anything, I tossed them back. I held the liquor in my mouth as I pretended to swallow it. I ignored the burning of my tongue as I smiled at Viktor.

"Don't drink too much," he warned me.

The bald guard made his way over to us. I watched him bend down to whisper something in Viktor's ears. I took the moment to spit the drink out into the nearby plant fast enough so Viktor wouldn't notice. Once the guard said what he needed to, he walked away.

I giggled shyly. "I-I'm sorry, there's so much going on -I needed to calm my nerves. I-I forget that I'm such a lightweight."

He placed his hand on my thigh and I pretended to flinch back at the movement. He seemed to notice as he began to soothe my skin.

"I'm here to protect you. Saint can't bother you anymore," he said reassuringly.

I stared into the hazel of his eyes, taking in the specks of green that surround his pupil. Shyly, I looked back down at my lap.

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