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Tired as Tanier was, his sleep was dreamless, but when someone woke him by shaking his arm, he almost jumped out of his skin, as the terror of the last few days did not leave him unaffected. He calmed down quickly once he recognized Kimar, who had come himself to pick them up and who apologized profusely when he noticed his mistake. Variel started to stir in his sleep as well and this prompted Tanier to ask for a physician. Getting a professional opinion on Variel's status was most important to him. It was mostly a rhetorical question and Kimar sent for the man immediately. When he arrived, Tanier insisted to stay for the examination. Aside from the fact that no one could order the king he pointed out that it may be helpful, if he could answer questions, but - truth be told - he rather hung around to watch over Variel like a watchdog, ready to jump at anyone who may cause him unnecessary discomfort.

Though the sunlight and the commotion interrupted Variel's sleep, he was not really awake at first. He only shifted about and made a little noise here or there, telling nothing save that he was awake but not aware.

However, when the examination began, things slowly changed. He'd had Tanier's hands on him so much lately that - even as out- of-it as he was - he could tell these were a stranger's hands, the hands of a man he didn't know. He became stiff, and when the physician turned him over to lie on his stomach, he began to tremble.

"I will need to examine the damage to ensure it is not potentially life-threatening or permanent. If the wounds are not properly tended, they could become infected, just like any other wound, but more quickly." The man adjusted his spectacles on the bridge of his nose and carefully spread apart Variel's thighs. "Sire, can you explain to me the nature and extent of his torture?"

Cold terror began flooding through Variel and tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. He still did not speak and was far too weak to struggle, but his fear was made known.

The moment Tanier noticed Variel's discomfort the physician felt the king's hand on his shoulder, his finger digging into it. "He was raped, so I suggest you treat him gently, is this understood?" His voice was unusually harsh. Unfairly harsh, but stopping the young man's discomfort immediately was more important to Tanier than saving the physicians feelings.

"They also made him drink some sort of elixir that messed with his mind and made him hallucinate," he further explained, a lot less harsh. "Lastly they strangled him and something happened that I can't really explain. There was some kind of explosion and fire that we both survived by some miracle, but I really don't know what happened to him." He was tempted to ask, if it was really necessary to examine him that way, but he knew immediately that this was a stupid question. After all he wanted the man's medical opinion. He motioned him to wait and sat down on the bed, taking Variel's head in his lap and taking hold of his hand.

"Variel, can you hear me? The physician needs to examine and maybe treat you. It is uncomfortable, but it is still important. And it will be over in a few minutes. I think you are awake, but can you squeeze my hand so that I know you can hear me?"

Variel's shaking and tears did not stop, but he did in fact squeeze Tanier's hand. He djidn'tlet up the pressure once he did, however; he clung to the older man for dear life.

The physician showed no reaction when the king snapped at him; he was used to protective or even hostile patients and their families. "I am always careful with the injured, sire. I will cause him no unnecessary pain or discomfort, but I am afraid this cannot be avoided." With that, he turned his attention back to the boy and the part of his body that had taken the most abuse - aside from his mind.

A frightened sob escaped Variel when the physician carefully worked two fingers into him. They were lubricated with a cool, soothing ointment, but the reminder was setting Variel off more than any additional pain. The physician's face was set in a stony expression of concentration, as if he had gone into his own world and forgotten Tanier was even there.

Of course the man was right. And Tanier was the first to agree with him. Yet after what happened it was important to him to let Variel know that he had choices again, that his "no" mattered. Not that he had said "no" yet. He was fearfull and frightened, but he didn't beg or fight or even try to pull away. He was just holding his hand in a vicelike grip with a lot more strength than you would expect, given his general state. Tanier put his arm around the young man's shoulder and squeezed back, letting Variel know that he held him and would not let go of him as long as he needed him. He didn't want to distract the physician, but he was pretty sure that his non-vocal cues were clear enough.

The physician would occasionally mumble something to himself as he examined Variel and started treating him. He cleaned him up more thoroughly than Tanier had been able to with just a pail of water and applied other creams and ointments. Some of them made Variel whimper in pain, while others soothed that pain.

By the end of it, Variel's lower back down to mid-thighs were covered in burn ointment and linen bandages to sooth and protect his welts as they healed. There was nothing that could be done about the bruise encircling his neck, but the physician assured Tanier that he was breathing fine. Tanier was advised to ensure that Variel got plenty of water, that he really needed to start eating again, that he should be kept warm, and that he be given a place where he could lie down as they traveled. He would likely not be able to sit a horse safely and comfortably for at least a week.

"I fear there is little I can do for his mind," the physician included. "He... seems to find security in your presence, sire, so all I can recommend is that you spend time with him when you are able. If there is anyone else he feels safe with or is fond of, keep him with them when you cannot be." He looked back down at the young lord. "As far as I can tell, his weakness is only caused by a lack of nutrition. Physically, he is not as terribly injured as he seems, so I can only deduce that his behavior is caused by his mental trauma."

Tanier was glad to hear that there was no physiological reason why Variel was not fully conscious yet. On a certain level he knew that physical injury was sometimes easier to heal than a mental condition. Still he was glad that there was no reason for him to not recover completely eventually.

The bad thing was that he could not really think of anyone whom Variel would feel safe with. He seemed to get along well enough with Kimar, but he knew him since exactly one day. "I will try to spend time with him," he said. Not that he was averse to the idea. Quite the contrary. It was just unusual for him to spend so much time on a single person. His many obligations simply made it difficult. He suddenly noticed that the physician was looking at him, as if he was waiting. "What is it?" he asked. - "And what about you, sire?" the man replied, hinting at the scrab on his forehead. - "It's just a scratch," the king told him. Then he started searching at the back of his head, until he found a lump. "But you may want to take a look at this. I was hit over the head. I think I may have a concussion, the headaches are coming and going." The physician examined the spot, but couldn't find anything that could be improved by any kind of treatment, but advised Tanier to rest, if possible. Then he asked: "Is that it?" - "Yeah, that's it," Tanier confirmed. - "Really?" the other man asked. The way he looked at the king indicated that he didn't fully trust him, maybe not much of a surprise given what state Variel was in. "Yes, I am really fine," Tanier confirmed. "At least physically," he added his voice a lot less confident. But he was obviously not interested to dwell on the subject. Instead he started to round up people to organize their leave.

He ordered a troup to secure Nevala's stronghold, made sure the fisherman and his family got rewarded, and soon after Variel was carried to a covered wagon. Usually they were used for provisions, but now some bedding had been put in, so that he could conveniently rest. Tanier had been around for the transport, but then disappeared, after all he had to plan his next moves and inform at least his inner circle about what had actually happened. For everything they knew, the king had disappeared for three days and just miraculously resurfaced, now they hoped to get the full story.

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