Baiting the Snakes

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Alexton let out a slow, deep breath and stood up. He paced to the tall windows on the far wall, hands clasped behind his back as he stared out over the courtyard below where soldiers trained. The clash of steel could be faintly heard underlying their conversation.

"It is reassuring to know that at least I did not raise a coward, but I fear there is little else I can do for him until we know who is behind this. It is obvious that we have enemies within, but it is also possible we have enemies without. What worries me most is that they may be working together." He stood still for a moment and then returned to the table. He reached for a rolled-up map and unfurled it. The map displayed the western lands, as well as the eastern border of Illantus, their western neighbor. "My scouts have reported activity near our western border. It mostly appears to be bandits, but they are a bit too organised." He pointed at a few spots on the map. "I have fortified the pass as a precaution, even though the Illantine Council claims no part in these attacks. According to what you have told me, whomever was behind your abduction would have removed my influence from the norther pass." He pointed to another spot. "There has been no real activity there, so perhaps it is merely a coincidence... or they are attempting to lure us into a false sense of security."

Alexton straightened up, at last looking at the king instead of the map. "So, either those grabbing for power are ignorant fools, or they are traitors. It seems we lack concrete proof either way, but whatever their motivation, it would not surprise me if House Costell was behind it."

The king bowed over the map once Lord Alexton started to explain the current situation. If any of the noble houses got involved in serious treachery it rarely happened without support by an outside power, so this theory was valid. It depended a bit on the magnitude of their aspiration. Yet the older man had pointed out the real difficulty: "I can't move against any of the noble houses without irrefutable proof. If there is any doubt, if I truly act on behalf of the realm or at a whim people will accuse me of despotism. Right now I can't even connect the abduction to them, no matter how evident it may be to me. I suspect them to be traitors, I can only hope them to be fools at the same time. But I can not rely on hope. I need something more substantial. In other words: We need a trap. Anything to lure them out and into the open."

Alexton nodded. "Yes, I know you cannot act rashly. Leena has been urging me to be more aggressive, to assert my power to intimidate the Illantines into backing off any planned assault. I am debating whether or not to tell her of what has been done to Variel, both the nature of the abduction and the false accusations of the Costell girl. She will demand I march on the Lord Costell's estate next."

At that moment, Alexton's expression changed. He had become fairly mellow in his old age, but he had been born and bred in these foothills, and the will to fight had not died in him. It had merely been tempered by experience and wisdom. "In any case, while you are here, I intend to formulate a plan, find proof, and root out those who plot against us, those who used my son to those ends. Once we do, I must insist that I ride at your side when it comes time to eliminate our enemies. Whatever my opinion of Variel, he is still my blood, and for the honour of my house I cannot let this attack go unanswered."

The ghost of a smile appeared on the king's lips when he listened to Alexton. It was a slightly sad smile, after all the situation was still grave, but he was glad to hear how the older man was willing to defend his son. "I am completely with you, Lord Alexton. I want vengeance as much as you do. The best plan would be to make them think their plan is working to make them act foolish. For this to work, it will be necessary that you keep quiet about everything I shared with you. I still advice to tell your wife what happened to Variel. He is also her child, after all. Maybe spare her the details of the girl's foolishness. You will know best where to treat careful."

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