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Shit! I fell asleep! How I managed to fall asleep, I don't know. I jumped up off the couch and looked around frantically for a clock. Where the hell was Dan, anyway?

I glanced down and realized I had jumped over him when I shot off the couch. He was curled up on the ground, fast asleep just like I had been. I hesitated before waking him, he looked so peaceful... But I didn't have my car and I had to get home. I picked up my phone from the side table where I'd put it and clicked the button. 2:52. I sighed in relief, I still had an hour. I'd let Dan sleep for a bit.

I sat down on the chair across from the couch and watched him. I tried to keep my mind from wondering, but all I wanted to do was curl up next to him. Which was totally ridiculous. I.. I wasn't gay and this was the same guy that had tormented me at school for years. I should not think that his sleeping form was cute.

I shook my head and went to wake him up.

"Dan?" I whispered. He didn't move.

"Daniel?" I said, louder.

When he didn't move, I walked over to him. I reached out and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him as gently as I could.

He shot up, looking confused.

"Wha- Phil?" He said, obviously still half asleep.

"I have to get home Dan." I said. Understanding dawned on his face and he nodded.

"Right." He said, sounding distant.

"I don't have my car..." I said.

"Right." He said again.

After a moment of silence he got up and took his keys from the table.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"Uh, Dan? My cars at school. And I doubt you want to have I pick me up in the morning." I said, my joke coming out sounding harsher than I'd meant it.

Dan flinched slightly and nodded.



Authors Note:

Y'all are going to have another chapter coming out today, I just have to write it. Thanks to all the people who commented on my last chapter. You're sweet!!

Now, I plan on doing a recap when I hit chapter 15, so look forward to that. I'll probably do a recap every ten chapters after that. This story is going to be extremely long.. I have a vague idea of where it's going.. Sorta.. ish. Any ideas you have or things you'd like to see happen would be greatly helpful! Thank you lovelies, update later today!!

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